XMP::dc\subject Meta Data Tag

Started by kwi_berlin, June 29, 2017, 07:31:08 PM

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I wonder that I had app. 3500 files with unwritten meta data. The tag ist XMP::dc\subject.
I searched for the tag to overwrite or delete it but coundnt find it.

Then I write all the tags to the files. Seemed to be okay.
But after starting Imatch 2017 again, IM started to import some metadata and after that I found the same unwritten meta data again.

Because I coundnt find the tag I dont even know whats in the tag. Any suggestions how I can get rid of that.



Look at the metadata stored in the file: use the exiftool command processor.
F9 E. Select List Metadata. I suspect there is some iptc data in the file (which is obsolete i.e. no longer updated by Imatch)  but which Imatch
reads in. If the subject field is empty it will? overwrite the xmp field of that name and thus wipe it out. I am weak on the details here but anyway - that's the direction to look.


XMP:subject are 'flat' keywords.
IMatch automatically synchronize these with the flat legacy IPTC keywords (if your files have IPTC data) and hierarchical keywords according to the rules made by the MWG.

If IMatch wants to write flat keywords repeatably, something in the metadata in your files is wrong.
In most cases there are 'incompatible' IPTC and XMP keywords which IMatch cannot synchronize based on the settings you have made for keyword mapping.

Usually the problem is solved when you delete the legacy IPTC keywords in your files by hand. IMatch then will fill them again during the next write-back and the data is synchronous across all keywords.

I would need a sample image file to tell you more details.

We have also discussed this many times here in the community. Search for XMP subject to find related info.


I substracted the tags and values with the exif tool command processor (wieder was gelernt  :D)

XMP:dc\subject is a IPTC list of keywords indeed.

But the field is read-only in the meta data panel.

Sample file is attached.

Thanks KW


The tagis read-only because IMatch automatically fills this tag (and the legacy IPTC keyword tag) from the hierarchical keywords.
In IMatch you always work with hierarchical keywords - they are the super set of keywords. IMatch takes care that these are mapped back to flat keywords. See also the corresponding information in the IMatch help and the settings under Edit > Preferences > Metadata.

I assume this problem as solved?


Hello there,

I've got the same problem and don't get it fixed.
Every time there's a change in the metadata the XMP:dc\subject shows up.

Can someone tell me, in a simple way, how to resolve this problem?



What do you mean by

QuoteEvery time there's a change in the metadata the XMP:dc\subject shows up.

Changing a rating or label (or any other tag) will not cause a change to keywords.

Or do you mean this tag shows up after you have written back to a file?
In that case, the typical problem is that your image contains different keywords in IPTC keywords and XMP hierarchical keywords / dc:subject.  Or that the mapping rules you have configured for hierarchical keywords -> flat keywords mess things up (if you have changed the defaults).

We would need a sample image which produces the problem to tell you more.
Or, select one of your problem files and open the ExifTool Command Processor (ECP) via <F9>,<E>.
Then select the "All Keywords" preset and run it.
Show us the result (You can copy/paste from the right side of the ECP into your reply).

It normally helps to delete the legacy IPTC keywords in the file.
When IMatch writes back the next time, it will re-create them from the XMP keywords and this will properly synchronize everything.


Hello Mario,

I ran the ECP and selected "All Keywords" and here's the result, the field on the right is empty (see attachment).

It shows up after I have written to a file.




the ECP produces plain text. Can you please copy/paste that text into a normal text document and attach it?
I don't open Microsoft Office DOCX files for security reasons.

Also, send a sample image file which exhibits this behavior to my support email address.


Hello Mario,

What concerns the IPTC-keywords I think I found the reason why it went wrong. Like you wrote there was a mess up between hierarchical keywords and flat keywords.
When I import new pictures there's no problem anymore. And I remember I dit some tests in iMatch 5 with those pictures and the database is the same, so ...

What concerns the disappearact of the copyrightinfo, there is no change, it still keeps disappearing after changing something in the, for example, "description".
I'll send you the file and 3 pdf-files (screenshots) so you can see what happens.

1st screenshot : like it is, everything filled in
2de screenshot : I change the description and the copyrightinfo disappears
3th screenshot : when I run the Exiftool, the square on the right stays empty

You also see that I added the picture to 2 sets of keywords (places = yellow + plants = green). The colors appear in the thunmbnail but in the box of the hierarchical keywords you see only 1 ste of keywords, the one with the places (yellow).
In total I have this problem with 3 pictures.

What am I doing wrong with this?



Same problem as here:


See at the bottom. Your sample file has an empty EXIF copyright record which somehow overrides the TIFF/XMP copyright record in the file during import.
It shows with no copyright in the Metadata Panel on my system.

Setting the copyright and writing back once solves the problem. IMatch updates the XMP dc Rights, the XMP tiff and the EXIF (IFD0) copyright with the same data. No everything is synchronized and working.

What puzzles me is that the empty copyright in the EXIF overrides the XMP - which is caused by applying the MWG rules which map between EXIF/IPTC/GPS and XMP on import. This is required because IMatch produces much 'richer' (and truly standard-compliant) XMP data records, compared to what other software does. This of course assumes that the files have properly synchronized metadata, and not different metadata for the same tag...

But usually existing XMP data is retained during this step. But the data ExifTool delivers to IMatch has no trace of the copyright notice contained in the .XMP file. It has all copyright fields set from the empty EXIF copyright notice in the original image. Deleting that empty copyright notice also solves the problem of course.