Handling Labels, Ratings, Keyword between Masterfiles and Versions

Started by Nordlicht, December 26, 2017, 01:23:57 PM

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since I am currently testing the process with iMatch, I have to ask you another question. Forgive me if I ask so many questions now. ;)  ;)
I use the time in the holidays to test the process with just a few pictures. Then I can move in the new year with the complete catalog.

The great possibilities of versioning, I am currently testing intensively. I'm not sure yet how best to handle labels, ratings, and keywords for the versions, or what's the better way. All remain with the master file and give the most important to the versions.

The master file is always the file I am editing in CaptureOne; either as RAW or as DNG.

How do you handle this?

I know that ultimately I have to find my own way.

Best regards Matthias