First IMatch App using Artifical Intelligence (A.I.)

Started by Mario, December 13, 2017, 05:11:33 PM

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Bad link, apparently. I get an error message.

QuoteAn Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.


Sorry, my bad.

The Translator Board is invite-only and not accessible for regular community members.

I have moved the post here:




Quote from: StanRohrer on December 14, 2017, 03:24:45 AM
For your second AI app I'd like to see keywording if you have access.
This is one of the options I'm looking into. There are others as well, some even better than what MS has to offer.
I don't want to re-iterate all the community threads we discussed about these things. Search and you will find.

Unfortunately, the cost is 1.5 US$ for 1000 files processed. This is what I (or you) have to pay to Microsoft.
Setting up a payment model for using fee-based cloud services will be a challenge. The payment models offered by the cloud vendors are aimed at companies, not at individual users.


Hi Mario,
I do hope that pricing improves in the coming months, but this is an eye opener!

It would be soo good having AI tag my 200.000 images and suggesting new tags to the ones I already have!

Data privacy and the rest is likely to be an issue, but ...

We shall see.
Thanks for posting this!


The price for face recognition or other AI-based services does not differ much between the big players. Scale effects will probably reduce the price over time. Or not. We'll see.

The good thing with the cloud-based computing is that you only pay for what you use. I use virtual machines in the Azure cloud for running tests. But since I need them only for a few hours at a time, I only have to pay a few dollars per month to have several Windows PCs at my disposal. And I can access them from anywhere in the world.

The computing power and storage needed for AI is often only affordable when rented in the cloud. Some algorithms run in data-centers with dedicated hardware or on dozens of high-end graphic cards for number crunching. For you, as the user, this is all unimportant. You just use that feature in your software, and whether or not this runs locally or in the cloud is none of your concern.  I'm sure great things can be achieved that way. I'm already working on infrastructure to make this happen. The AI-based translation is my test bed - and it is very good so far.