iMatch and C1 with Hierarchical Subject

Started by Nordlicht, January 01, 2018, 01:04:59 PM

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for development and output of images, I work with C1. So it would be helpful if C1 understands the keywords correctly. In addition, I have a lot of old pictures that are already tagged in C1.

iMatch exports the Hierarchical Subject like this:


C1 can not read - this new - version (??) correctly.

C1 can read this standard correctly:


It is possible to generate the output in the second form by choosing the keywords in iMatch as follows:

X    Herkunft
X        Deutschland
X           Schleswig-Holstein
X               Berkenthin

normally one would make the selection in iMatch as follows

X              Berkenthin

and iMatch would recognize this as:


Is it possible in iMatch to make input at the lowest level only and (optionally) generate the output in the hierarchical subject in the long form?

I hope that is so understandable with my english.



mkallweit|Herkunft|Deutschland|Schleswig-Holstein|Berkenthin is a fully-qualified hierarchical keyword. No additional information is needed, all levels are there.
If C1 wants every level written as a separate keyword (?) IMatch cannot help you there, sorry. There is no feature which duplicates each level as a separate keywords.


is not one keyword but four!
If C1 is this kind of issues, I recommend to edit your metadata only in IMatch.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on January 01, 2018, 01:09:51 PM
If C1 is this kind of issues, I recommend to edit your metadata only in IMatch.

Mario (show my other thread) - I'm not sure why do you mean "ca is kind of issues"? Some years ago has LR works with the same structure. LR can read the "new" structure with only one line but I mean latest LR writes the "old" structure.
I and Nordlicht don't want to edit metadata in C1. But C1 should read metadata created by IMatch. Why?  - I import some RAW files into IMatch, then I give them stars, color marks and keywords. Then I can start C1 session. I can edit my RAW file and export edited file as JPEG/TIFF or whatever and my output file has all keywords I have given to RAW.


As I said, IMatch has no feature that transforms a single hierarchical keyword into multiple flat keywords. This was never needed and has never been requested.
If this is the only way to make C1 understand hierarchical keywords, you have a problem.

Feel free to add a feature request.

But adding this will be quite elaborate because IMatch would then also see multiple keywords on import. And I would have to add special code to sieve through that to re-create the single hierarchical keyword from this strange keywording schema. This can cause a massive amount of work, not to mention bugs when handling thesaurus lookups, exclusion levels and whatnot. And all that to support one RAW processor of many.

Add your request and then we'll see if more than a handful users sees a need for this. This would require a lot of changes in many areas of IMatch.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Wouldn't be Versioning a kind of solution. You make your keywords in IMatch with RAWs -> XMP-Files. You work with C1 (just read keywords in options!). Than you convert you RAW without keywords Tags. IMatch make the versioning by its own and, as I know, add the keywords from the RAW-XMP-Files. So you have all together:

Original, Tiffs, Jpgs, ...


Yes, that would be a way. So far, I delete my exported files when I do not need them anymore. I can always produce them if necessary.

But I can do that in IMatch too. I'll test that right now.

Thanks for the idea / solution  :)


I've made a short test. And it's working for me.

After opening my masterfile and export the jpg with C1 IMatch creates a version of my exported file.

Now I can store the exported file with the masterfile inside IMatch or move the exported file into my standard output folder. This file contains all metadata like Titel, copyright etc. I've tested an upload to 500px and all data are there without to so something. After doing the upload I can delete this file out of my output folder.


That it's always the surprising thing about IMatch. There is such many different ways and solution for a problem. The most important thing is, to be patient to find the solution.


Quote from: Menace on January 01, 2018, 05:01:44 PM
The most important thing is, to be patient to find the solution.

I'm sorry but I don't understand this workflow/ way.

I have a RAW file with many keywords saved in XMP file. Now I start C1 Session, edit my RAW file and export JPEG.

But how knows IMatch - what he has to do? (versioning and keywording my new created JPEG file?)


Have a look at Einstellungen -> Dateibeziehungen.

Since you can adjust the versioning and detection very extensive but also flexible. The detection runs in the background and works really well.


Quote from: RobiWan on January 01, 2018, 05:12:45 PM
Quote from: Menace on January 01, 2018, 05:01:44 PM
The most important thing is, to be patient to find the solution.

I'm sorry but I don't understand this workflow/ way.

I have a RAW file with many keywords saved in XMP file. Now I start C1 Session, edit my RAW file and export JPEG.

But how knows IMatch - what he has to do? (versioning and keywording my new created JPEG file?)

Important: Don't let C1 write your keywords. That confuses all other software. No need for that.

If you have the same name between RAW and JPG, than you can use this. But this is tricky. I have the same name because of different SD-Cards; don't know what happend. You can also versioning by time. Could be also tricky if you make fast shots (Reihenaufnahmen). But than you can also make for this few pictures a manuell versioning.


@RobiWan Just read the help about versioning, buddy files, metadata propagation. Without it, IMatch is not IMatch. When everything is set up, the workflow is:

1) Import raws in IMatch
2) Remove everything, which is not worth your time. Can be reversed with 1)
3) Add keywords to raws
4) Raw development in external tool, with JPEG/TIFF export to an IMatch controlled directory. Most simple is the same directory as the developed raw.
5) When IMatch imports the JPEG/TIFF, it matches them to the coresponding raws using a ruleset defined by you. At that point the JPEG/TIFF becomes a version of the raw.
6) You can set the version to be displayed as your raw preview, so that you see the effects of your C1 edits.
7) If you have setup keyword propagation from masters to versions and disabled auto propagation, just select all masters = raws and select propagate metadata to versions from context menu.
7) Writeback metadata to your version files.

The metadata was only handled by IMatch. C1 only handles development and export. Ensure that C1 does not write keywords at step 4) into the exported JPEG/TIFF