request data from external application

Started by helen, January 29, 2018, 04:00:06 AM

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hi all,

currently, we expect to retrieve some data from external system. It is known that the external application expose a list of APIs and we need to send some API request to fetch data.
My question is :
1 Can the apps in IMatch be written by other programming language except JavaScript? like Python or something? I asked that because I noticed that JavaScript is not quite efficient in my case
2 I remembered there is a task menu named `Script`in old IMatch that allows users to run the VB scripts directly. Where is that task menu in IMatch 2017?

Basically, in my case, we have two major things need IMatch, one is managing digital files (image/videos) and another major thing is integrating with an external application.
Thanks for your help in advance!

Kind Regards,


1. If you want to run your app inside an IMatch app panel or modal, you need to use HTML and JavaScript.
The App environment in IMatch is based on the embedded Chromium browser.

2. All IMatch apps are listed in the App Manager (View menu > Panels > App Manager). From there you can start all IMatch apps.
You can also start IMatch apps via Favorites.

The embedded IMatch Anywhere WebServices™ in IMatch can be accessed from any programming language you like: C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, curl, PowerShell, ...


HI Mario,

Thanks for your information. Yeah,I know I can run all apps via App panel...but my question is where I can run a customer Python script in IMatch. I remembered that there is a `Scripting` menu in IMatch 3 which calls the VB running window directly (the screenshot is attached). That means we do not need to build any apps, we only need to call and run a pure script... did you remove that feature in new IMatch? Thanks...

Kind Regards,


There is no BASIC scripting in IMatch anymore. IMatch now utilizes a top-notch and modern JavaScript engine.

And I don't see how BASIC would have helped you to run a Python script?
You can run external processes and applications from IMatch Apps using the imatch/process/shellexec or imatch/process/run endpoints.
The IMatch wrapper JavaScript class exposes corresponding shellExecute and processRun methods.
See the "Sample App: Processes" for examples how to use these methods and read the documentation.
This should make it very easy to run your Python app, whatever id does. You cannot run Python scripts in IMatch, IMatch has no embedded Python interpreter.