Allocate Keywords via spray can like lightroom does it

Started by spiff, February 03, 2018, 12:22:12 PM

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would make allocating keywords with IMatch more comfortable and faster.

Regards Björn


I cannot follow. Please explain. Not everybody uses Lr.
Please explain what you are trying to achieve.

There are so many ways in IMatch to assign keywords to files (if this is what you mean by allocate):

Keyword Panel
Category Panel
Copy & Paste
Copy Attributes
Metadata Templates
Metadata Templates linked to Favorites


Please see this video tutorial, what i mean starts Minute 1 second 50.

Also you can drag and drop thumbnails on the keywordpanel to set a keyword. Never used it, but maybe another one would find it helpful if IMatch can handle that too.

Regards Björn


I don't see the point with the spray can in the video.

First she types in the keyword, then she clicks on each image she wants to assign the keyword to, right?
In IMatch you select the files you want to add/remove keywords in the file window, and then click on the keyword in the Category Panel, on any child of @Keywords.
This way you can quickly assign or remove any number of keywords quickly.
Did you try that?

Or you just click on the entries from the Keyword Panel thesaurus list. Or you just type in the keywords you want to add into the input field.

Did you try that?

I just checked and I'm waay faster in IMatch than using the spray can in Lr.

QuoteAlso you can drag and drop thumbnails on the keywordpane

Don't you think this is much more complicated than just ticking a box in the Category Panel - which also adds a keyword. Or removes it.
Or clicking on a keyword in the Keyword Panel? Or clicking a Favorite, which can add one or many keywords?
I would consider dragging images over wide distances much more complicated and prone to errors.


I tried the possibilities of IMatch you told me and they work very fine. I think the advantage using a spray can is you do not need to fefine the thumbnails before you tag the keyword. So you are very flexible during tagging adding more pictures with your keyword joined with the spray can than you first planed without any additional clicking. Accidently given one thumbnail the false keyword, no problem, just a second tip with ALT + spray can and it is gone. It is not that comfortable in IMatch.



Have you tried putting the category assignment panel on while in the viewer? I find it very useful to use the RECENT tab.
By clicking the small thumbnail in the recent panel you assign the same keywords as on the clicked thumbnail.
And you can just click on previous keywords to assign them.
To remove an inappropriate keyword/category just shift-click the keyword shown in the recent panel.

If you want to select the keyword from you list via typing just click the search icon in the category assignment panel and
type in the name. A bit more cumbersome - an extra click.

I also use the FAVORITES panel where I have several tabs where I have the most used keywords listed.

(Note: I am using categories, not keywords. But they should be just like keywords. With keywords you have however an additional keywords panel
to use. And a thesaurus.)


Quote from: spiff on February 03, 2018, 02:55:47 PM
I think the advantage using a spray can is you do not need to fefine the thumbnails before you tag the keyword. So you are very flexible during tagging adding more pictures with your keyword joined with the spray can than you first planed without any additional clicking. Accidently given one thumbnail the false keyword, no problem, just a second tip with ALT + spray can and it is gone. It is not that comfortable in IMatch.

To make this even faster in IMatch:

1. Select the files you want to assign your keyword(s) to.

2. In the Keyword Panel, enter the keyword you want to assign.
You can also type multiple keywords at once by separating them with ;

3. Press <Enter>,<Ctrl>+<S> to apply your changes to all selected files.

If you use a thesaurus, IMatch will automatically make suggestions when you start typing. This allows you to quickly pick keywords from your controlled vocabulary, even when you have thousands of keywords.

If you have used that keyword already, it should be in the "recently used" list in the Keyword panel. Just click on it to assign to all selected files.
You can also add keywords to the Keyword Panel Favorites to have them ready for singe-click assignments.
The most often used keywords are in the Top-50 list in the keyword panel.
The Suggestion panel shows you keywords which you want likely to assign.

I think this beats the spray can workflow in speed and accuracy.


Quote from: ubacher on February 03, 2018, 03:26:24 PM
Have you tried putting the category assignment panel on while in the viewer? I find it very useful to use the RECENT tab....

Thank you, i try to understand what you told me here. I use the German UI because my english ist not the best...
I worked with category and thesaurus. But like it is described, they work not really together. So i decided working with the thesaurus because it is more comfortable to me. categorys is just control to keep a clean structure in them.



Quote from: Mario on February 03, 2018, 03:46:52 PM
Have you tried putting the category assignment panel on while in the viewer? I find it very useful to use the RECENT tab....

i thougt i tried it as you describe. But you are shure this workaround makes the spray can uncalled. I not complete feel confident at the moment but do not need further discussing it.  One thing, after i pick up a keyword of thesaurus or keyword panel i wish that all thumbnails which already wear this keaword(s) get a visible marking so i easily can see which thumbnails still need my keyword and which thumbnails already are tagged with it?


Quote"Wear this keyword"...

You can show keywords below or above the thumbnails if you want.
Just switch to the Title, Descriptions and Keywords File Window layout.

When you select multiple files, the Keyword Panel shows you which keywords are assigned to all files or only some files (via the font used). You can then just left-click the keywords to assign them to all files. Or Ctrl+Click to remove them.

Showing keywords in the File Window:

The Keyword Panel indicating keywords assigned to all selected files ("Clipart") and only to some of the selected files ("Book", "Chalk"):

There are tons of productivity features available to you in the Keyword Panel and Category / Favorites Panels. I can only recommend to spend an hour with the corresponding help topics and get yourself aquatinted. This will save you a lot of time in the future. The less you have to actually type when adding keywords, the better.


Quote....i wish that all thumbnails which already wear this keyword(s) get a visible marking so i easily can see which thumbnails still need my keyword and which thumbnails already are tagged with it?

Just mark the files which need to have the keyword. Does not hurt to assign it again if a file already has it.