Custom png for Pending metadata

Started by Ooteboe, February 03, 2018, 02:00:30 PM

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Playing with variables (all new to me). In order to get a custom pencil for pending metadata i've tried the following code in the file window: {File.MetadataModified|cast:int;is:0,;is:1,<Image Source='file://C:\Pencil.png></Image>'} Doesn't work. Alternative text in stead of the png does. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Hans


Try using / in your path.

Maybe check out the Using Custom Icons in File Window layouts article in the IMatch knowledge-base. Many other useful articles there.


I have been using the example given in your knowledgebase article to display two icons if the Keywords or Description fields are empty. However this stopped working after the last update and now shows the text as described by Ooteboe.  I assumed this was due to the XAML problem as described in the topic ....

which, I hope.. :), has been fixed for the next update - bug fix #00477.

This is the code I am using (in Header 1 right)....

{File.MD.hierarchicalkeywords|hasvalue:;default:<Image Source='file://C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\vl_icons\nokeys.png'></Image>}{File.MD.description|hasvalue:;default:<Image Source='file://C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\vl_icons\nodesc.png'></Image>}


Thanks for your reply. So i'll wait for the next update. In the meantime i'll stick with text ('MD!') and then later the pencil.png.



Just to confirm - this has now been fixed for me in the latest update.  Thanks Mario.


For me it still doesn't work. I use the following code: {File.MetadataModified|cast:int;is:0,;is:1,<Image Source='file://C:/Pencil.png></Image>'} I've tried backslashes too, all the same.



Define "Does not work". What happens. Nothing displayed? Text displayed? Error message?

You did use ' (should better be ") and there is a missing " after the .png. This may be it already, our XAML is invalid.


Thanks, this works. After placing a ' after the .png.
