Regular Expression upper and lower case

Started by micmacmoe, February 06, 2018, 11:14:39 PM

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Is there any possibility to rename files in this way



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i dont know, if imatch RegEx understand the difference between upper and lower case.

for example, if i search files


the return is either

Arthur as arthur

Thanks for any answer



I'm not sure what you want to do.
Renaming a file can either be done via <F2> or via the Renamer (<Ctrl>+<F2>). Both tools rename the files to whatever you enter...



Ok, the Problem is:

i want to insert a blank space before a upper Case Letter in to a given name. (see the Example)

And i want to do this for many files in one step. The only solution i see is with regEx in the filerenamer.

And the Question is:  if i use regEX in the filerenamer, does it make a difference between upper and lower cases? 
it does not seem so.

kind regards




Just a sideNote, not related to your special problem:

I would think twice to rename your files with blanks.
From my experience, blanks (like Umlauts) does  often create a lot of problems, specialy if you work with the internet, uploads images and so on.
Instead blanks maybe you could think about dashes -

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The Renamer uses case-insensitive regular expressions. Windows does not pay attention to the case of file names, and neither does the Renamer.
I have not added features to change this. For this particular case, this will make it impossible to match only the upper-case letters and to do a backref replacement.


I have added an option to the Rename step to use case-sensitive regular expressions. This will be in the next release (not too long now).

You can now do this:

We use a regular expression to find all uper-case characters and replace them with <blank>UpperCaseCharacter.
Then we use a sub string to remove the first blank again.


Hello Mario

If i try your workaround the following happens


([A-Z])  ` $0´

A u t o n o m e s F a h r e n R e v o l u t i o n i e r t U n s e r e M o b i l i tä t.jpg

and here for all friends of non blank:

([A-Z])  ` $0´


So i think i wait for the next release

thank you so far

kind regards



This is exactly what you get if [A-Z] is not processed case-sensitive. Every character will be matched and a space inserted.
I did not post any work-around - I just explained that it will work with the next release.


ok i understand

i´ll wait for the new release

kind regards
