3000 x 2000 monitor display implications

Started by jch2103, February 23, 2018, 01:46:55 AM

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I have a new Surface Book 2 with 3000 x 2000 screen resolution. Windows font scaling is the default 200%. IM user interface settings are all default. In almost all of the IMatch user interface, things look great (fonts are small, but I don't have any issues with that). I do see a few spots where certain elements are a bit 'off'. I'm interested in knowing if there's a way to adjust these without messing anything else up.

Rating display (bottom right corner). The Rating stars are very large relative to other UI elements, but the Protected files icon is very small. See 'IM UI Rating.jpg'.

File Window Sort menu. The sort choices are vertically crowded, although usable. See 'IM UI Sort menu.jpg'.

File Window Layout menu. Interestingly, this menu looks 'normal' (perhaps because of the inclusion of graphic elements on the left side). See 'IM UI Layout menu.jpg'.

As I noted above, in general the IM user interface on this laptop is fine and I have no complaints. But I do wonder if there's a way to control these specific oddities without creating other issues?


The rating display has already been reported and I have fixed it for the next release:


The sort drop-down is rendered by the UI toolkit and looks OK on most displays - I've tested scaling up to 300%. This may be a DPI dependency in te UI toolkit. I have over 10 tickets open for such issues, the UI toolkit company ships updates only about 2 or 3 times a year...

The file window context menu is created by IMatch (my code). Hence it works :-)

In short: Things are getting better. I have done what I can to make IMatch scale well on High-DPI screens. For the few remaining issues I depend on a 3rd party component and can only open tickets and let them fix their stuff. Always bad when you depend on 3rd party code, but it is impossible to write everything myself...


Your screenshot of the thumbnails layout brought up an issue which I have been wondering about.
It seems that if one uses more than one line of text above/below then there is a large gap between the lines.
A waste of valuable screen real-estate.
I marked this with yellow frames.
Is this a hi-res screen issue or do all users have this issue?


This depends on yhow your layout is configured, which height is dialed in for the header and footer.
Please see the IMatch help for details about file window layouts and how to control he header and footer height, font sizes etc.


I have been unable to get rid of this space.
Anyone out there who has a layout with two header/footer lines which does not show the space between the lines?
Please post your layout for copying.


I was able to display header 1 and header 2 without an empty line in between:
Attribute Custom Template
Header 1  Size 40
Font Size 10
Header 2 Size no entry
Font Size 10
So far I have been unable to achieve the same with the 4 footers... There always is an empty line in between.

My main monitor is 3840 x 2160 at 200% scale.



QuoteSo far I have been unable to achieve the same with the 4 footers...

You have configured your four footers how, exactly?
A header or footer set to "empty" will not produce any XAML output, hence no extra space on screen. Of course both headers/footers in the row must be empty to suppress any output.
Else the height is calculated on the default font size (unless a font size is specified in the layout), the default external leading etc.


When I don't have the big space between the lines then it is below the two lines.

I include my layouts for others to try: we need to establish if it is dependent on the setting or if
it is caused by differences in hardware/screen.
Remove the .txt extension from the files before using.!)


That's what I get (4K monitor, 150% scaling)

Image info left, the Erich layout right: