Responding to fileWindow.selectionChanged - need to know if in result window

Started by ubacher, February 25, 2018, 02:59:21 AM

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I am trying to modify a script to react to changes to the selected files.

Here the problem: When my script opens a result window Imatch signals a change in selection.
This I need to ignore. How do I find out if the signal is from a result window?

The only way I can see is to use checkFileWindowState to get the window ids and ignore the signal
if the window id is not the original id. Is there a better way to go about it?


The fileWindow.selectionChanged message is  very frequent message and can be sent any number of times. Especially when filters are involved or new file windows are created. In almost all cases this message is sent by the active file window, which is of course the result window in this case.

I will do some work on this for IMatch 2018 anyway. I have added JSON object for these messages to indicate the name/instance of the file window.