The new "Notes-app" is very nice

Started by sinus, September 05, 2017, 09:58:30 AM

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Thanks, Mario, a really interesting app with "potential".  :)

We have with this app the possibility to add very quickly add some notes to a file.
This notes we can add in the metadata-field "description" or in the Attribute-fields.

If we choose the attributes, then even the necessary Attribute-set will be added by the app.
Nothing to do, simply write.  :)

We can then hide the attribute - field, if we like.

This means, we could add quickly some personal notes to a file, place it somewhere and if we click on a file, the message (if there is one) is there. If we choose a big font (handwriting is nice), then this note give really a good point, where it does take attention.

We can also select several images, and add some notes, like "the man on the right must be cut away", and the note will be added for all selected files.

We could also start to begin some "habits", e.g. before shut down IMatch click on one specific file. If necessary, add some notes in it, like
- I have to check the videos
- editing the -"mountain-images"
- add the wedding-files
- phone at Marylyn

The script itself, phew, very complicated for me. Must have done a genius.  ;D

First ideas, just out of my head (without want to add a FR):
- possibilty to making words bold would be nice
- If no notes are there, the big title "Notes" could be hidden, but if I click on a file, what has notes, this title could be visible and e.g. the notes would "flash" a bit, to get even more attention.
On this way, we could adapt this notes-app also as a real "attention - app".  ;D

I can imagine also e.g. three checkboxes with different colour-background. Like
normal info with yellow
next to do with blue
very urgent with red

or so.  But ok, maybe then this would be again too complicated, I do not know.

As I have written above, just some ideas.

But I like the notes, it is a good thing, from my point of view. Even so good, that my brain produces some ideas.  ;D

One question, Mario:
If I choose attributes to write notes in it, and I change the same entry once, twice a day and this every day (always the same file), would this be in a way "dangerous"? (because the same Attributes would be changed so often)?

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Diese Einträge nutze ich sehr oft, gerade für die alten gescannten Dias und Fotos. NOTIZEN lässt sich schneller bedienen als das Metadatenpanel - sehr praktikabel  ;D

Allerdings kann ich in den Metadaten die History benutzen, was ich in den Notizen noch nicht entdeckt habe.


QuoteIf I choose attributes to write notes in it, and I change the same entry once, twice a day and this every day (always the same file), would this be in a way "dangerous"? (because the same Attributes would be changed so often)?

No. Attributes can be changed thousands of times per minute, no problem.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: HaWo on September 05, 2017, 10:11:58 AM
Allerdings kann ich in den Metadaten die History benutzen, was ich in den Notizen noch nicht entdeckt habe.
Die Notes App ist vor allem als Beispiel gedacht. Sie demonstriert einige Techniken wie das Anlegen und Aktualisieren von Attributen, background updates, flex layouts usw. Das sie auch einen echten Nutzen hat (und sei es nur als eye catcher) ist ein Bonus.

Die Historie (Ich nehme an Du meinst die drop-down Listen im Metadaten-Panel)  steht apps nicht zur Verfügung. Ich habe dafür keine Endpunkte implementiert.
Natrülich könnte die Notes app ihre eigene Historie mitführen, das wäre nicht schwierig.
Oder auf then Thesaurus zugreifen - dafür gibt es aber auch noch keinen "Endpunkt".
Ich baue aber Endpunkte nach Bedarf ein, somit wäre das kein Grund.
Einfach mal einen Feature Request schreiben.


Using different fonts and colors in the Notes App, flashing and jumping notes around, all this is possible. I just don't know if this will be worth the effort.

Using a bold fond, for example, would require that IMatch not only stores the text ("This is bold") in the Attribute, but also the information that these three words should be rendered in bold. I could change the app to store HTML or Markdown code in the Attribute. But this could not work when we need to store the results in Metadata. You don't want HTML in your XMP description. So we would have an app which only works in 50% of the cases. Not good.

Implementing (or using) a more or less powerful HTML or Markdown editor in JavaScript is surely be possible. And then limiting the Notes storage to Attributes only.

For example, look at this:

or this overview:

Since IMatch can run JavaScript / HTML, one can use all these cool an free libraries and components to add amazing stuff to IMatch!

As with all apps shipped with IMatch, the Notes app comes with uncompressed an fully-documented source code. If somebody feels to make a clone and enhance it, be my guest. This is surely a nice project to start from and dow awesome things.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Thanks, Mario
for your interesting explanations.

Phew, awesome, what is possible, reall

Hm, to be able to change something in your app, it will take some time.  ;D 8)

Hence, in the meantime,
- I will use your app first to add some notes for images, clean, nice and quick
- As a test, I will use 2-3 files to add some notes to them and look, if this is a good habit or not.  (attachement 1)

If I end IMatch with these images, it will open with them, and so I could remember some important things ... like the one on the 2. attachement!  ;D :D ;)

I copied your app-folder, changed the id and changed the attributes-entries like in my attachement.
This, because I have already something like a "note-set", and I have tested it, and ... it works great.

Instead add the text in the set "notes" it add it in my "old" set (Anmerkungen). (attachment 3)

Make this sense four you?

(I am aware, that if you make updates, I must do this also)

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Yes, just to it. The reason for the sample apps is that users use them to make their own apps.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Wie gesagt, ist dies App sehr interessant.

Basically, you can click on a picture, call up the app and simply enter a text.
This text may contain notes, idea, to-dos, whatever.

But since this app is not always open, it makes sense to use a text (has info) or an icon to signal that this image has notes.

I do this with a light bulb.   8)

Now I had a problem. I use the notes to write notes of all sorts. This can also be a memory such as "Send Anne this picture" or "Strengthen the green even more".

That's fine, as soon as I've written that, the bulb lights up.

But what if I have finished the point? If I sent Anne the picture?

I could simply delete the text in the notes and the light bulb would go out and solve the problem.
Well, but I want to know later what I had done.
What to do?

An easy solution would be if the app had "done" a button for example (with a corresponding field in the attribute).
Does not have the app, however, and I'm not well versed with JavaScript to do that (otherwise I would also do other things like automatically implementing the date)

A simple solution:
Variables!  ;D

If I do not write anything, do not use the app, nothing will appear (attachement 1).
As soon as I write something in, the light bulb appears yellow (attach 2)

Now that I've done the job, I'm just writing some sort of "done word" in the text, say at the beginning or end. In my case that's the word "done". In German, I do not need this combination of letters very often, but I could also take "ok" or "xxxyyy". The combination should be unique.

And with the help of the variable, the bulb then extinguishes as if at the push of a button (attach 3).
But because the bulb is still there, I know, this picture had notes and I can always check what it was, because the text is still here.

Based is the whole thing finally on this app and one attributes-set with one text-field.

Pretty nice, I think, all with help of this app.

Ah, the variable is here, you must only check your real attribute-set and field and change the icon or add instead some text (todo and done or so).

{File.AT.Notes.Note|contains:done,<Image Source='file://c:\sinus-icons\bulb18off.png'/>,<Image Source='file://c:\sinus-icons\bulb18.png'/>}

Have fun!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)