Download original files & IPTC metadata downloaded with files

Started by sophie_bry, January 19, 2018, 03:36:03 PM

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I have issue with the 'download original file' button in the viewer.
As I understand, I have to grant access to the user groups, in order for them to be able to see this button.
I have done this in the webservices, but the button still doesn't appear. Is there another place where I should grant these accesses?

My other question relates to the IPTC metadata, in particular the copyright. When I save an image via the viewer, the metadata are not in the image anymore. Is this normal? Is there a way to change this?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.



The IMatch WebViewer application is independent from IMatch Anywhere WebServices™ (IMWS).
If you enable the access to original files for one or more groups in IMWS you allow it to deliver these files to apps, like IMatch WebViewer. Or to other apps requesting the original files.
IMWS is not directly linked with the WebViewer app and does not know anything about it.

The IMatch WebViewer app has additional configuration options which allow the Administrator to enable or disable various features.
One of those configuration options is to allow or deny the download of original files (The allowOriginalDownload option).
Please see the section The Configuration File in the IMatch Anywhere WebViewer Installation & Configuration help file for details.
You can open this help file directly from the IMatch Anywhere master help topic (press <F1> or click on Help in the Controller application, then click on WebViewer Configuration at the top.

QuoteMy other question relates to the IPTC metadata, in particular the copyright. When I save an image via the viewer, the metadata are not in the image anymore. Is this normal? Is there a way to change this?
I don't understand. You cannot save an image via the Viewer. Do you mean the Viewer in IMatch for Windows?
Please explain what you do so we can help.


Dear Mario,

Thank you very much for your quick reply.

We tried to edit the config.json file in order to allow the download. We found out that this option was already set to 'true'. Note: we had disabled the 'categories' to be sure we were working on the right file - and it was the case.
Do you have any advice ?

As for the metadata: the copyright info (and other information) is inserted in the metadata (core data>copyright). When I download the pictures from Imatch Anywhere, all this info is gone.
Maybe it is related to the fact that we can not download the original file?
In each case, it would be good that the copyright stays in the image, even when it's not the original file.

Plus, the pictures in our database have a reference number as file name, which is also erased when downloaded.

Best wishes,



QuoteWhen I download the pictures from Imatch Anywhere, all this info is gone.

Unless you download the original file, this is normal. IMWS serves cached files, created at different resolutions from the original image (see IMWS documentation for details). IMWS does not copy metadata into the cache images.

If you download the original file, it is delivered "as-is" bit-by-bit. If the original image has metadata, it will be available.

To enable the download or original files you need to enable this for WebViewer and also for the group the user why tries to download the file belongs to.
If the Viewer in IMatch WebViewer shows the download button, the config.json is correct and the current user has the "download original" privilege. Else the button is hidden.
Make sure you have a group with this privilege and that the user is in that group.


Dear Mario,

Thanks - so the metadata question is sorted out. We think however it would really be good that the filename and copyright is maintained when saving the image, even in lower resolution. 

As for the download original file button: in our opinion we have done this all.
Attached is the .json file, and screenshots for the group permissions. The user is "aeidluser", which is in the "LIFEteam" group. This group has the permission to download the original image.

Do you see anything incorrect?

FYI, Imatch Anywhere is running on a Windows server 2008 R2, 64 bits. The Imatch Anywhere installed is also the latest 64bits version.
In case you need access to this server, please tell us.

Best wishes,



Quote from: sophie_bry on January 30, 2018, 10:14:42 AM
We think however it would really be good that the filename and copyright is maintained when saving the image, even in lower resolution. 
Why? The only reason for the cache files is to allow IMWS to deliver previews and thumbnails to clients. Adding metadata to the cache files would just increase the file size, no client will ever use the metadata. Browsers cannot read metadata in images, and a client can access all metadata IMatch has stored for the file easily via the provided interfaces. Keeping metadata in cache images would be redundant.

Your settings look correct. When the user aeid* logs into IMatch Anywhere he should be allowed to download original files. I will need to check this next time I run IMatch Anywhere.


I have tested this here with the 2017.13.2 release.

I created a new user "Ted". I created a group with the "access original files" privilege.
I assigned Ted to this group.

After logging in as Ted, I can see the "Download" button in the WebViewer toolbar and I can download original files.
So it seems to work as designed.

Can you repeat these steps and see if this solves the problem?
Your screen shots at least look correct and this should just work for you as well.


Dear Mario,

We had the 2017.13.2 release installed, 64bits.
Running on a server with Windows Server 2008R2 64bit.
We follow all the steps you mention, and the button does not appear.

We now installed the last version 14.2 and checked again with the same results.
note: We installed also the iMatch (desktop) and opened the database before using it with Anywhere

Can you check whether you used the 64-bits version, or the 32-bits?




I always test 32- and 64-bit builds of IMatch. There is no difference in the code.

If the button does not show up in WebViewer (which is the same for all versions) either the download of original files is blocked in the config.json file for WebViewer, or IMWS tells WebViewer that the logged in user has no download originals privilege. In both cases IMatch WebViewer hidens the download button in the integrated Viewer.

Do you have somebody who knows a bit about how a debugger works in the browser?
Because if you open the debugger in your browser with F12 before entering the user name and password for IMatch WebViewer, we can monitor the /authenticate call to IMWS, and also see the data returned by IMWS as the result. This data tells us the groups of the user and his access privileges.

I did that in Google Chrome (see image below, click image for full size):

+ Press <F12> to open the developer tools. Switch to the "Network" tab.
+ Click the link for IMatch WebViewer. This opens the log in page.
+ Clear the current contents of the Network tab with the Clear Contents button.
+ Enter user name and password for IMatch WebViewer and click on "Login" button.
+ After successfully logging in, locate the authenticate request in the Network tab and click on it.
This shows the response of the call in the "Preview" tab. It shows the effective permissions for the user and the user groups.

Maybe you can do that on your site so we see what is what?

Click to zoom.


Dear Mario,

We have followed the steps you described.
Please see the image attached, where you find the authenticate results, and you can see that the button doesn't appear.

Best wishes,



This looks good. Server says the user can download original files.

The only other setting that affects this is the config.json file IMatchViewer\imatch\config folder.

It must contain the entry

"allowOriginalDownload": true,

I just checked the code again. The Download Original button is shown when both conditions are met.
Can you please double-check the config.json file and make sure that the correct file is loaded (it will also show up in the Net Tab of your browser) and that it contains the above entry (case-sensitive, exact spelling).


Please see the config.json file attached.
It seems fine to us. Please tell me in case you see something wrong.

Best wishes,



I have no idea, sorry.

This has never failed, in over one year of IMatch WebViewer and so many installations. Not a single bug report or anything.
I have no support cases to built upon, to make any additional suggestions. It works here with both the most recent and the version before that.
Did you try to re-install IMatch Anywhere WebViewer? Maybe your installation is corrupted in some way...

To analyze this further I would have to create a custom build of IMatch Anywhere webViewer which has additional checks and outputs to display more information. To learn why this can fail at all, and one for one user in one environment. This can take some time because I have planned the next regular update for IMatch / IMatch Anywhere for March/April. The last update was merely one week ago...

Please contact me via support email address . Maybe I can schedule some time for this in a week or two.



I have written a small tool you can use to display the privileges from config.json and what the server returns for the current user.
Contact me via support email address and I will send you the tool and instructions.