Help needed - App won't work inside iMatch

Started by Carlo Didier, April 05, 2018, 08:02:58 PM

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Carlo Didier

Started again with app scripting after several months of pause and already frustrated again ...
I have the attached app which should open Bridge with the focused file. It worked. I'm sure. One of the few apps I tried to make that really worked.
Now, it doesn't anymore.

What I don't understand is, when I open it in the Chrome Browser outside iMatch it works perfectly! It opens Bridge with the correct file having the focus. So the script is correct.

But inside iMatch, it just shows a minimal window for a second and nothing else happens! No output on the console after displaying the path to Bridge. What's wrong?


Your script works here from inside IMatch.
I just have changed the PathToBridge variable to point to my version of Bridge ("C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)\Bridge.exe") and then clicked the icon.
Bridge launches in the correct folder.

First time I ever used Bridge  ;D

Carlo Didier

Hmm, it's really weird. The script is obviously correct, as it works fine when I run it in the Chrome browser.