A small hint for D&P, but probably not helpful

Started by sinus, April 27, 2018, 07:33:32 PM

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Hi Mario
I don't have a log, just to say.  :( ::)
In the past I had the problem that I changed the layout within "Design & Print" normally and after normal closing and later opening the whole template could not be opened anymore.

Today it happened to me again during a phone call with a customer. I closed D&P and IMatch several times, so no log, I was a bit nervous.  8)
Finally I (the customer was still on the phone) had to restore a backup of Macrium, thank God Macrium, the "old" backup worked fine.

I checked the template now and it was these 2 lines that were the problem:

I deleted these lines and voila, everything went fine again.

Then I took an older template that didn't work anymore and searched for "link-tpye".
Found the 2 lines deleted and hard to believe: the template could be easily opened again.

I checked other text-container from the same "type" (only text, no linking) and that is why I came on these lines.
The other text-container had not these lines. Hence I thought, hm, why are these lines here, and the other text-containers has not?
That is why I could find the problem.

But I realize there's not much you can do without a log.

I had only worked in one text field within the layout and I changed some xaml texts. The text-container was not linked to a file.
But I didn't link anything to anything but just tinkered around in a text field inside a text container.
But maybe I chose a letter combination, accidentally, that triggered something. I hadn't noticed anything.

And as I said, I've had it several times, two years or so already and I lost for sure 5-10 templates.

Without log, that means there's nothing you can do, I'm reporting this just in case this might give you a little hint at some point.
If not, it doesn't matter.

If I ever have that again, I'd keep the log, of course.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


These settings link text containers to files.
Do you use named links?
Send me a template that does not work so I can see the internal code paths.


Quote from: Mario on April 27, 2018, 07:40:46 PM
These settings link text containers to files.
Do you use named links?
Send me a template that does not work so I can see the internal code paths.

No named links. Simply text containers. No pictures on these pages.

I send you the last template WITH the two lines on line 139/140 (Visual Studio) in the attachement.
Take these lines away and it works again.
If not, you cannot more load this template.

I added the lines again, because this afternoon I did nothing with the template (what I could not more load) as delete these two lines with visual Studio.

I am aware, that I  use complicated templates (this here not so much), but usually they work like a charm.

A great tool!!!

But until today I had no possibility to repare such a template, but now I know, where the problem is.

Like I said, no link to an image on this page. I simply added the text and maybe I did a stupid key-combination.  ::) (mind, the customer was on phone)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Any special steps you perform?
All text containers have an implicit link, to bind them to a file container in order to resolve variables.
But these are not named links...

I need to figure out why IMatch adds invalid links in your templates. I never had a similar problem report and no idea how to reproduce...