Bookmark in Slideshow

Started by Gerd, September 07, 2013, 01:03:07 PM

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I want to have the Bookmark-function in the Slideshow to quick mark some pics during clicking through the pics ...

I knowe, it's possible in the Viewer, but to start an overview via Slideshow is quicker ....



The slide show has been designed from ground up as a presentation module only.
I don't plan to add interaction like manipulating collections, ratings or anything at this time.
The Viewer is designed for that purpose.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

that's a pitty ...  if I presenting my pics on a tv via IM5-slideshow to e.g. my family, often I,m asked, if this or that pic can be printed or sent via e-mail. So I have now to write down manually the name and location ...  :(



Hmm, good argument.
I'll think about it. Maybe just a toggle bookmark command. No other collections. No rating/label etc. (I can almost hear users requesting that...)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

that would be great ... only to bookmark!

I looked inLR, how it is working there ... also during Slideshow I can e.g. press <1> and the pic is marked with a star, so I can find it back later.

But to make it clear: it's enogh to bookmark only!



QuoteBut to make it clear: it's enogh to bookmark only!
I think that this would be enough - I also promise not to request more :)

Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


This morning another user requested a delete function for the slide show...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Out of curiosity: why not use the Quick View in maximized mode (on a second monitor)?
You have all bookmark, rating, label etc. etc. functions available while viewing the image full screen.


QuoteThis morning another user requested a delete function for the slide show...
I noticed this too and had to  ;D

I wonder what is really missing in the Viewer not to use it?
Maybe it would suffice to add 1 feature to the Viewer - the option to "Automatic Play" - so it can also be used to show pictures to others but at the same time mark, delete,... some images!?


Hi Mario,

please, not more functions as a simple marking.

I also thought about more, like different markings, e.g. this pic for friens A and that for friend B ... but at the end it is better only to mark, all other possibilities will disturb a slideshow for the others.

After a slideshow I have to sit together with my friends and make the special notes to the pics, because of different format, print-wishes and so on.

Slideshow is to enjoy, not to work with ... for all other functions we have the viewer ...




QuoteI wonder what is really missing in the Viewer not to use it?

I think automatic advancing of images works against a review process, no? When you decide to delete an image or mark it in some way, another image may just slide in. Then you have to pause and scroll back in the slide show...I guess users who don't use the slide show in it's intended purpose (sit back and let it run) use it in manual mode anyway, moving forwards and backwards using the wheel or the cursor keys. Which is fine. But then you can use the Viewer. The Slide Show is for look, the Viewer is for work. At least that#s what I had in mind when designing the stuff. You have all the slide show functionality in the Viewer, even the full-screen view without any distractions (<T>,<Y> to hide all panels).

QuoteI looked inLR, how it is working there ... also during Slideshow I can e.g. press <1> and the pic is marked with a star, so I can find it back later.

A) You are setting a rating with that function. And B) LR has no Viewer. IMatch has both. The Slide Show for looking, and the Viewer for working.

I was thinking about adding a feature toggle bookmarks in the slide show.

This would of course require to show some sort of bookmark icon somewhere so users can see if a file has a bookmark. Thinking about this, I'll found that I need to make the icon display optional. Users will otherwise complain because it interferes with the unobstructed view on their images.

So a new command, an icon display (probably even a way to choose where to display the bookmark icon), and another option for the slide how: Show/Hide bookmark icon.

Adding support for bookmarks in slide show feature would also impact the slide show performance: The slide show works different than the Viewer. In order to support the smooth slides and pan effects, it prepares the next n slides in advance, completely rendered  with text overlay, ribbon etc and keeps them in memory. IMatch can then render them smoothly using Direct3D technology and the GPU. Toggling a bookmark in the slide show forces IMatch to to throw away all prepared and cached slides to render them new with/without the bookmark icon. This affects the performance negatively of course.

And if I would add support for bookmarks, I'm sure that other users will ask to support for other collections in the slide show as well. Because they don't want to bookmark files, they want to flag them, dot them, pin them. And when we have collections anyway, why not support rating and label as well. And of course show the corresponding icons. But make that optional so I can turn if of to see only my images...Hm, sounds like the Viewer.

Considering all these points, I decided against adding bookmark support to the slide show.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

that's  :( ...

Due to the fact, that LR is my main picture-developing program I had to find a way, that I could find back my in IM5 marked pics in LR and also the new created results then back in IM5.

I have solved it in a usable way, so I can use this way present slideshows, where I can mark pics. For me it doesn't matter, if the marker is a bookmark, a star, a number or what else. I will only find back pics after a slideshow, which I have marked.




Quote from: Mario on September 08, 2013, 10:31:57 AM
Considering all these points, I decided against adding bookmark support to the slide show.

I think this is a very good decision, the viewer has all we need...


 :( :(

QuoteThis would of course require to show some sort of bookmark icon
Why? With the preferences we have a way to blend in the information into the slide show we want to see anyway.

I still think having a bookmark feature in the slideshow would be a great addition...
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


The slide show has no way to indicate that a file has a bookmark or not.
Except you include a collection variable as part of the text overlay, but that's not the real thing.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Gerd on September 08, 2013, 12:26:49 PM
Due to the fact, that LR is my main picture-developing program I had to find a way, that I could find back my in IM5 marked pics in LR and also the new created results then back in IM5.

Use a rating or a label. That's XMP data and it will travel from LR to IMatch automatically (if LR flushes correctly).

I still wonder why you don't present your files in the Viewer if you intent to rate or label them (or assign them to an IMatch collection). The only difference between a full-screen Viewer and the Slide Show is that the slide show can forward automatically and uses a nice blend effect. But automatic traversal gets in the way quickly when you want to apply a rating or bookmark, so why bother. Just use the viewer and move to the next file using the cursor keys, SPACE or the mouse wheel... and you sill have all commands at hand, from rating to label, collections, categories, reject, categories, annotations and all other luxury you are missing in the slide show.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

why do you not add the automatic-change-forward into the viewer and skip the slideshow totally ...



Quote from: Gerd on September 08, 2013, 04:20:43 PM
Hi Mario,

why do you not add the automatic-change-forward into the viewer and skip the slideshow totally ...


A "classic" slideshow should be available, e.g. think about blend effects.
One is for presentation, the other for operation  8)


Quote from: MarioExcept you include a collection variable as part of the text overlay, but that's not the real thing.
<Run Foreground='#FF3300'>{File.Bookmark|is:Yes,Bookmarked;is:No}</Run> (Something like that, like I use in the window layout)

That's what I meant...
My though was that this would not have any performance hit if that would be used to indicate if a file has been bookmarked

Quote from: MarioIn order to support the smooth slides and pan effects, it prepares the next n slides in advance, completely rendered  with text overlay,
Now I can see the problem here...

Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)