IMatch Anywhere and multiple databases

Started by Hugo Hermans, June 18, 2018, 04:34:52 PM

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Hugo Hermans

What's the best approach to access multiple databases via IMatch Anywhere?

Since IMatch for Windows is single user regarding write access, I consider to have several databases, one for each environment or department.  But they have to be accessible in Anywhere, of course.  E.g. is it an option to have it installed for every database?  What about licensing in this case?


One IMWS instance manages and publishes one IMatch database.

I doubt that there are many scenarios where this is not sufficient. You can control which user groups (departments)/users see which parts of the database using the built-in access control features in IMWS.

If you really need to publish different IMatch databases at the same time, you need to run multiple instances of IMWS, each with its own configuration and IP address. Although this is possible, it is not officially supported or licensed at this time.

Hugo Hermans

Hi Mario,

I think the limitation is not about the IMWS, it's the IMatch for Windows.  Do you agree that one database can only be opened in write modus by one IMatch for Windows client?  The use case I'm struggling with is that our R&D may have to upload pictures, AfterSales want to do the same thing, someone on the ShopFloor as well.  Suppose we solve the uploading issue via a command line scripting and/or some customizing, the categorizing and keywording has to be done as well.

And thank you for the reply, Hugo.


IMWS takes full control over the database. This is required so IMWS can properly cache contents and for other reasons.
Also, because IMatch 2018 introduces basic write-back features, directly in the browser. See and for more info.

When a database is open in IMWS, you cannot open it in IMatch. And vice-versa.
Multiple users can open an IMatch database at the same time in IMatch, but in read-only mode.

Synchronizing concurrent write-access by multiple users is an immensely complex process, especially considering that in IMatch, changing a single keyword, not only changes that keyword for that file, but may also change keywords in my other files, invalidate categories and collections etc. This is why I will roll out write-back features in stages. Starting with metadata and keywords (the most often requested features) to (later) features like file uploads, indexing and more. IMWS may evolve to a stage where IMatch for Windows is not needed at all.

If you need a massive concurrent user concurrent write DAM, IMatch / IMWS may not be the tool of choice at this time. Server-solutions or cloud solutions offered by vendors like Canto, FotoWare, Extensis, AssetBank, Widen etc. are prepared to handle that. These systems are complex and costs thousands of US$ per year for good reasons. A 45$ add-on for IMatch is not yet in that league  ;)