Turn Thumbnails in file window automatically?

Started by hanswkraus, July 01, 2018, 10:52:07 AM

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IMatch displays the thumbnails of all my RAW pics in landscape mode, regardless of the orientation of the exposure. IrfanView and Capture One display the pics with the correct orientation. Is there an adjustment for it? I looked in the manual but didn't find anything about that. The EXIF info of one of the pics is attached.

Regards, Hans


IMatch uses the EXIF orientation recorded in the image to rotate the image. This usually 'just works', unless the EXIF orientation info in your files is wrong somehow.

Your ExifTool (?) output reports

Orientation - Left bottom

so the images need to be rotated for display (they are not in the default rotation). And IMatch usually just does that.

Did you perhaps apply a virtual transformation in IMatch to these files? Worth a check (Context menu in the file window > Virtual Transformations).

Also, since you mentioned you are using RAW files, which file format are you using? Which WIC codec is installed?
Select a file and then go to Help > Support > WIC diagnosis.

Also, provide a sample file for download so I see this for myself. Or send it to support email address with a link back to this thread.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

thanks for the answer. The EXIF-Data were exported by IrfanView.
I did not apply a virtual transformation to the files.
I did not explicitely install a WIC codec at my system, but did install the Canon supplied codecs (are these WIC codecs?).

A long time - and some versions - ago the thumbnails were correctly rotated. Sadly I don't have a hint when this behaviour changed. It seems that the behaviour is independent from the camera version of the CR2. At least it happens with the EOS models 5D IV, 5DS, 6D and 77D.

An example RAW (Canon CR2) file is under:
The output of "Help > Support > WIC diagnosis" is also there, the 'xml' file was produced by Capture One which I utilize as RAW converter. The absence or presence of the 'xml' doesn't change anything on the rotation, I copied it for the sake of completeness.

Kind regards, Hans

PS: Is there a possibility of cooperation between IMatch and CO? Nice would be at least a stack of RAW and by CO developed TIF files, with the TIF on top. These files reside in different dirs.


QuotePS: Is there a possibility of cooperation between IMatch and CO? Nice would be at least a stack of RAW and by CO developed TIF files, with the TIF on top. These files reside in different dirs.

CaptureOne has very 'peculiar' behaviors when it comes to metadata. Search this community for related threads.


Stacking files in IMatch is easy to do. Just setup your file relations. IMatch can handle versions in sub-folders, no problem. And also put the TIF on top, if you make the corresponding relation a version proxy.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I have downloaded your file.

1. You have no WIC codec installed so IMatch has to fall back to using LibRAW for processing your files.
Not even the default WIC codecs installed by Windows 8 and later... do you still use Windows 7?

Maybe LibRAW has problems with the rotation in your files...?
I will look into this at some later time, when I have a free slot for setting up a new Windows machine without any codecs so IMatch is forced to use LibRAW. Or when I can setup this in my debug environment somehow.

On my systems (with the standard Windows 10 WIC codecs and on the other system with the FastPictureVIewer codecs, the file shows in portrait orientation, no problems at all:

If you use an old Windows version (7) without codecs installed, you can download the Microsoft WIC codecs from here:


Windows 10 has WIC codecs for common RAW formats already included.

You may also want to look in the cheap (10$) FastPictureViewer codec pack:


which is used by many IMatch users successfully.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I've now used the Option Edit > Preferences > Application: Prefer photools.com RAW processing to prevent IMatch from using a WIC codec. If this is on, IMatch always uses LibRaw to process images. Again, the image shows up in portrait orientation, as it should be. The EXIF orientation record specifies a 270° rotation (aka 90° counter-clockwise).

This means that using the Windows codec, the FPV coded and LibRaw, IMatch always produces the correct orientation on my test systems for your sample image.

Question: Is only the thumbnail oriented wrong or do the image also show wrong in the Viewer or QuickView Panel?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

thanks for your replys. I've downloaded and installed "FastPictureVIewer codecs". The viewer (I suppose I get it with a double left click on the thumbnail) - I tried marking a thumbnail and pressing enter too - opens the not-reprocessed pics only with a very small size, probably the embedded jpeg, and in landscape orientation. Shall I suspend the reprocessing of the files? I'm currently "forcing Update" in one dir to get the new codecs to work. Some other dirs have the old status remaining.

Kind regards, Hans


The WIC codec will be used for new files, not for files already in the database.
You need to do a forced rescan for all affected files so IMatch re-creates the thumbnail and the cache image using the now installed WIC codec.

But as I said, on my system it works equally well even if no WIC codec is installed. LibRaw handles your files nicely and rotates them correctly. I tried on two computers, with the same result.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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