Bug-Fix support period

Started by ChristopherFoto, July 22, 2018, 08:09:39 PM

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I have a question, on 25.05.2017 IMatch 2017 was released, the last update for this version was on 8.2.2018.
Since then, various bug fixes have been reported and 32 resolved.
Thus, this version has just been supplied with updates for 8.5 months.
If the support for the 2017 version is only in 6 months, why do not I get the bug fixes for this version

That means for me, that I have to buy the upgrade now after 5,5 months without bug-fixe, if I want it.

In another Tread you write :
Quote from: Mario on June 18, 2018, 01:40:18 PM
Die nächste Version von IMatch wird IMatch 2018 sein. Es macht keinen Sinn, ein weiteres 2017 release einzuschieben.
Beim Erscheinen einer neuen Hauptversion endet der Support für die Vorversion nach 6 Monaten.

The next version of IMatch will be IMatch 2018. It makes no sense to push another 2017 release.
When a new major release is released, support for the previous version ends after 6 months.

Which support ends after 6 months? supplying with updates can not be meant anyway. Although in my opinion this is definitely part of it.

In my view, the support for the 2017 version ends on 8.2.2018 and in 2 weeks then the 6 months have elapsed, in which there is still a support for the previous version.

I think the procedure is not really good.
Regards Christopher

I have troubled the search, have found, unfortunately, nothing, perhaps, I have looked for the wrong concept.
Excuse for my English


I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to tell me, sorry.

When you buy a license for IMatch, you buy the right to use the software on your computer.
I have worked for many years on the software, and you pay a license fee to get a specific version of the product. Like you would buy a book.

You don't buy into a support contract or free consulting or support time. I provide support contracts for commercial, institutional and governmental users, with guaranteed response times and other benefits. If you are interested, please contact me via my support email so we can discuss fees and options.

I provide bug fixes for free for current product line until a new major version is released. I did so for IMatch 2017 for over 13 months.
I also provide free personal support via email and this community for the current product line.
And for the previous product line until the EOL (end of lifetime) is reached, which is 6 months after the release of the following major version.

I don't make changes anymore to the code base of outdated products. Which now means IMatch 2017.
Occasionally, when a catastrophic bug is discovered, I may ship an update even for a legacy product. But that is my decision entirely.
I have enough to do with providing support and updates for the current product lines. I work under the assumption that users upgrade to the latest product when it becomes available.

Changes, new features and additions are only made to the current product line, which is now IMatch 2018.
It has a code base that has changes in about 20% oft the code and uses updated versions of at least four 3rd party toolkits and components (which I have to license and pay for annually or even monthly). IMatch 2018 has been built using a newer version of the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. Which I also have to pay for with an annual subscription.

In many cases, bug fixes in newer IMatch versions are based on updated versions of 3rd party toolkits. Which only work in the most recent code base.

For example, at least 6 of the bug fixes in IMatch 2018 are provided by a new version of the 3rd party user interface toolkit - which is not compatible with the IMatch 2017 code base. Too many changes.

3 bugs have been caused by compiler bugs and issues in the Microsoft runtime environment used for IMatch 2017. These bugs have been fixed by Microsoft in later editions of Visual Studio, which I then have used to create IMatch 2018. These version is not compatible with the IMatch 2017 code base.

Impossible to 'roll' these bug fixes back into IMatch 2017.

I'm true to my word and I will provide free support for IMatch 2017 until about end of January 2019. This includes support via email from me personally and in this community. Which runs on a server for which I have to pay every month. I don't sell your data or display advertisements to offset the cost for maintaining the servers.

I have not changed my license, update and upgrade policy for over 10 years now.
It seems to work well for most users.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


QuoteI have not changed my license, update and upgrade policy for over 10 years now.
It seems to work well for most users.
In my opinion, it does indeed. And I am very willing to pay an (modest) upgrade fee for all the functionality IMatch 2018 provides on top of what was already available in IMatch 2017.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


In my opinion, Mario has a fair price-politic.
I think, at least it is only fair to pay something for a very good software with an outstanding support.
With Adobe you pay a lot more and the support is far away from this, what Mario offers.
Or try to write Adobe something about their price-politic.  ;D

I have read somewhere a byline, what you should think at: "Es geht auch sehr gut ohne Abobe Produkte und Adobe's Abomodell." ... and I would add, "Yes, but paying for a good work shold be honoured."
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


same here.. the nominal fee to upgrade to 2018 is paid for many times over by the support Mario provides AND for the community I am happy to be a member of.  Please note that the software for 2017 will continue to work for many years... even if a bug is found, there is often a workaround.  2017 is a VERY sound product having been tested and used for a good while now... and while 2018 seem to be a superior product, you can continue to use 2017 for a long time if you so desire.


You should find that iMatch is supported as good or better than any software product you use. Whenever I have a problem, though most of the time it's my lack of understanding, there is always an almost immediate response from the community and Mario. iMatch shows the pride that Mario puts into his product as there has been constant improvement including framework upgrades over the years. Mario has earned my unwavering loyalty as the product is superb, support is great, the licensing is flexible and the upgrades are reasonably priced. If iMatch fits your needs I think you will find it to be a great value.


Quote from: ChristopherFoto on July 22, 2018, 08:09:39 PM

I think the procedure is not really good.

I personally consider the yearly upgrades as something like a subscription. Every year about €60,- for software that I use on a daily basis. I think this is cheap!



Quote from: Ooteboe on July 25, 2018, 01:23:51 PM
I personally consider the yearly upgrades as something like a subscription. Every year about €60,- for software that I use on a daily basis. I think this is cheap!

IMatch is not cheap. But I think it is reasonably priced for what you get. Not like that car  ;)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook