How to automatically launch an app when IMatch database open or close

Started by JoseGil, August 14, 2019, 12:59:02 PM

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I have an application that monitors in IMWS for changes in file categories. In case of detecting changes, a category called 'Pending_publication' for that file is marked.

I also have a second application that exports all the images with the category 'Pending_publication' active.

I would lile that, when opening the IMatch database, the first application was launched and that when the database was closed the second application was also launched

With older versions of IMatch this was done using VBA procedures Database_Open() and Database_Close(). I have read here that this is no longer possible.

And this is my question, is there any automatic way to launch these applications when starting and closing the IMatch database or the only way to do it is to launch them manually?

Thanks in advance



Maybe a service app is what you need:
What the IMatch/IMWS sockets and react on events as needed.

Or write some external app in .NET, Python, Java or whatever which monitors IMWS directly.


Thanks Mario

A service app is what I was looking for:

"Service apps run in the background and don't provide a user interface. IMatch starts them automatically during the startup process and terminates them during shut-down."

The service app example included in C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\service-app\ has been very useful

Thanks, again