Viewer settings to speed up?

Started by mastodon, August 20, 2018, 03:54:02 PM

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I'm experiencing slowing down of the Viewer after 10-20 pictures (JPG, 10 Mb).  It is an old problem of mine, but I did not bother till now. I could not set the option "Always load full-scale image" to NO, that was an advice in an old topic, because I did not find it. It is definitely a problem of false Settings, because the database and the pictures are on SSD. What do have to change?


What doe you mean by slowing down? What is slowing down?
Do you have to wait longer before you switch to the next image? Maybe the Viewer was sill loading files in the background?

Your log file was not produced while IMatch was in debug mode so there is not that much info in it.
If you look at the images loaded in that session, most are loaded in 0.5 to 0.6 seconds. Some images need 0.8 seconds. Some images need almost 4 seconds to load (telefon\IMG_20180811_154508.jpg) and some even 12 seconds (fgép\P1120621.JPG).

Of course if IMatch needs 12 seconds to load a file and you try to scroll faster than it can load, the Viewer has to wait...

There are many potential reasons for this...
- virus checker scanning the file on-access
- JPEG format variant that is not liked much by Windows WIC or whatever JPEG codec is installed
- Massive amount of metadata to load
- ...

If you can identify an image which always is slow to load, send it to me and I can run it here to see what part is slow. My guess is the loading of the JPEG from disk into the DirectX GPU bugger takes exceptionally long with some of your files.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Yes, I have to wait longer before I can switch to the next image, it stops for about 3-4 or even more seconds, although these pictures are preloaded (green sign). I can not even move back that time. I do not know, whether the Viewer was still loading files in the background.


Please check the images which take exceptionally long to load for problems.
Waiting a few seconds is OK, it can happen. The Viewer may have just finished loading multiple images into the cache and blocking cache access so the Viewer has to pause.
Usually images load in 0.5 seconds from the cache (or from the disk if you work with JPEG files which are usually not cached). Images like some of yours which take 20 times longer to load offset the entire smooth processing.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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This means, that after loading more images, it won't slow down? So, I open the Viewer, wait for a 20-30 sec, and after that it won't slow down, because it has cashed enough images to show. And I can go back or forwards, it keeps showing images smoothly. I have 8 Gb RAM, SSD, i5 3570, MSI R9 270X Gaming OC.


Usually you don't need to wait at all, unless you start scrolling immediately. The Viewer caches files in the background, in the direction you scrolled last. When you navigate, it loads new files from disk and removes others from memory. The number of files in the cache depends on your graphic card. If you navigate faster than the Viewer can load files, you have to wait.

I now often work with 80 MP images from digital backs, which have 10,000 x 8,000 pixels. I rarely need to wait after the Viewer had a few seconds to pre-load files. But of course, if I navigate over larger distances or scroll faster than the Viewer can load files, I will have to wait a few seconds for it to catch up. There is no free lunch.

But the Viewer takes only ~ 1 second to load one off the 80 MP files. On your machine, IMatch needs 4 to even 12 seconds to load a file, which means that there is something external interfering. Or the JPEG codec on your system does not manage the files well.

The sample file you've sent via email (PLEASE always include a link to the topic when you send me related emails) loads 0.2 seconds on my system, not in 12 seconds.
Check your virus checker or maybe other software utilizing the hard disk (especially Adobe products running at the same time). Maybe some other software was blocking the graphic card while IMatch was trying to access it or something, no idea. As I said, 0.2 to 0.5 seconds for loading a 24 MP JPEG file is normal, not 4 or 12 seconds.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you, Mario. A have attached the WIC log. A don't have any Adobe product running, just Plex media server.


-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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That's why I think, that a false setting is the problem. In this topic the was an Idea about to set the option "Always load full-scale image" to NO, but I did not found this Option in the current version of IMatch. Or this might be a rendering issue, because I set IMatch to show every picture in high colour and resolution (I don't know just thinking). Or might be a metadata overload...
I set everything to Defaults in Preferences/Application/Viewer and Preferences/Cache.
Well, it runs like bloody hell. Thank you! :)


You need to find out why IMatch needs 12 seconds to load some of your files. The same files you have sent to me and which load in less than 0.5 seconds on my machine.
This looks like an internal cause, virus checker or similar.

There are no "always load full cache" or similar options in IMatch. IMatch always loads files "through" the cache (or the original file in case of JPEG). It loads files via Windows WIC, directly into your graphic card. It automatically pre-loads files in the background. The typical load time for a file from the cache is 0.5 seconds. The typical load time for a JPEG is 0.5 seconds. Many files on your system load in 0.5 seconds, but some take 4 or even 12 seconds to load. If you scroll at 1 file per second but IMatch needs 12 seconds to load some of your files, the Viewer will have to pause.

Again, the file that loads on your machine in 12 s and which you have sent to me loads on my machine in 0.5 seconds. So this does not seem to be an IMatch problem, especially since most of your files load in 0.5 seconds too. Just figure out why some files are so special. Or just give the Viewer a few extra seconds to finish pre-load.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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