Web Viewer image download issue

Started by heicron, August 26, 2018, 01:54:52 AM

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I am using the current trial version of IMA with a copy of my IM database. Using the IM web viewer I tried to download one of the images and in the download pop-up only a part of the file name showed (see attached image). Because there was no file extension it would not open in the viewer. I was able to save the file with the abbreviated name. After it was saved I added the .nef extension (which is what the original is) it would then open in the viewer.
I skipped around to other folders in the DB and some would download normally but most showed this strange behavior. Most of my files are nef from a Nikon D90 or a CoolPix 5700. Some of the files are also jpg. I can't determine a reason for why some would download normally and some not. I even had one folder containing a number of files that would not open and one or two that did download properly.
I rename my images with IM masks eliminating the Nikon prefix, lead the name with the date taken, underscore, text for the name, then original digits and file extension. The names are not very long and some of those not opening are shorter than some that do open. My IM indexed files (also copies) are on a usb external drive connected to IMA computer.
This behavior happens on three computers I have on my home network which includes the one that IMA is installed on. I have IMA installed on a computer I use for extra backup storage and for trial apps. I copied my IM 2017 DB from my working computer, installed licensed ver of IM 2018 and everything else seems to be working OK. DB diagnosis showed no errors.
Any idea what the problem could be?




Show us an example of the file names you are using, and the folder name.
Open the database you publish via IMWS in IMatch, select one of the files in a file window and then press Ctrl+C to copy the name into the clipboard.
Then paste it into your reply.

If the calling app (IMatch WebViewer in this case) does not provide a return file name, the file name provided to the browser is produced from the original file name + ext of the file. There should be no problem with that, unless there is some unexpected side-effect of the file name you use. Since this is the first error message of this kind, maybe your file names are unusual...

Which browser do you use?
Which Windows version do you use?
Did you try another browser?

Also, attach the IMWS log file from a session where you tried to download the file.
The IMWS log file is usually in c:\windows\temp. See the section on the log file in the IMatch Anywhere documentation (Press <F1> in the web service controller application).
You have attached the WebService Controller log, but that does not contain the log data of IMWS, only of the controller application.


This is the file name of one of the images
I had to type in the name because it would not copy using control C.
Attached is a clip of my file structure and the log file. I always use FireFox , and sometimes Edge. I never cared for Chrome or Google for that matter. After reading your reply I tried using Edge and any image I tried to open worked as it should. It seems the problem is with FF. Sorry for not thinking of that before my post, DAHHH.
Thanks for the continued support,



QuoteI had to type in the name because it would not copy using control C.

This is a very useful built-in feature in the file window. It copies the names of all selected files into the Windows clipboard. Make sure you actually have selected at least one file in the file window.

I test IMatch WebViewer in Chrome, FF and Edge.

I have created a folder structure similar to yours, and placed a NEF file with the name you've provided in it:

The file name is C:\data\WebDBImages\Testing\2007\01-17\01-01-17_some_folder_with_\ 20180820_noca0011.NEF which is similar to your folder structure and has all the same formatting.

I started WebViewer and navigated to that folder and then used the Download Original function. This is what FF shows me:

Full file name, which is perfectly OK.
Maybe a add-on you are running in FF is causing this?


I tried running FF in safe mode with add-ons disabled and then refresh, still the same problem. I also made sure the DB and image folders were excluded in windows defender. I missed mentioning that the IMA machine is Win-10 pro,1709, my other machine is same but 1803.
FF is up to date. Things are working fine when using Edge.

Any other thoughts?



I used W10 for testing and the current FF release. No other ideas.


Installed Opera and that works fine. I'll configure Edge for my web viewer while I work out the FF issue.

Thanks for the help and best wishes for continued development of your great apps and support.


If you open the developer tools in FF with <F12> you can view the communication between IMatch WebViewer and IMWS.
1. After loading WebViewer, open the file to download in the Viewer.
2. Then open the Developer Tools with <F12> and switch to the network tab.
3. Now click the download button. When the dialog opens, dismiss it.
4. In the Network tab you can now see the request WebViewer has sent to IMWS to download the file.
The response from IMWS contains the suggested file name. The browser should use this file name as the default for the download.
This is browser and platform-independent.

This is how it looks on my system with FF. As you can see, IMWS has included the correct and full file name.

If this is different on your machine, this would be a hint. If the name is correct but the browser does not use it => FF problem.


As you can see from the attached, the full file name appears. I guess I'll try to deal with FF support for this one. At least I can configure Edge for your WebViewer.

Thanks again for your help.


This looks OK to me. FF should show this name as the default for the download...