xml sidecars

Started by Ooteboe, August 26, 2018, 10:38:54 AM

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For the first time I shot some movies with my Sony A7R3. They come with .xml sidecars. They are visible in the main window, in contrary to .xmp.

Can I just rename them to .xmp?

Thanks, Hans


XML is just a generic file format that can hold any kind of data. I have no idea what your camera may store in these files. Attach a sample (zipped).
By definition and by the XMP standard, XMP files must be named .XMP and must follow the format described by Adobe in the 3 XMP standard documents and in the ISO standard.


Here's one. There is some information in it about the settings, framerate and recording mode etc. I'de love to see this info back in a sidecar.



This is not an XMP file.

This file that has some data about the video format, frame format and suchlike.
It uses the namespace name urn:schemas-professionalDisc:nonRealTimeMeta:ver.2.00 so your might be able to find more info about this format via Google.