Multiple external HD's

Started by C-F, September 13, 2018, 05:26:46 PM

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Hi there,

having a slight workflow problem.

I believe it is a windows issue? - I have a collection of ~15 external hard drives that I use either individually or in any 'random' sets (more than one). Now, when I catalog a folder in iMach and it is the only HD connected it gets drive letter (\V:) assigned on my system, if I connect another HD individually (single) it also gets the same drive letter assigned (\V:). Now, if I connect both drives together, iMatch will recognize one and shows the second one as 'offline) (I have to go and manually "relocate" the second drive to in this case (\U:) in order to bring such cataloged files 'online'.

How can I get iMatch 'to know' the 'hard drive' rather than the windows assigned 'drive letter' (which seems to be dynamic pending the number of simultaneous connected drives)?

Thanks for any help or pointers on to how to resolve this!

/edit - in Mac OS the drives get id'ed by their 'Drive name' eg "My Passport" or "SG 2TB" rather than drive letter which makes it also very easy to identify which is which... /end edit


IMatch must access hard drives via their drive letter, it cannot 'work around' Windows and access the drive directly.
15 external hard disk is a lot. Usually users with that massive amount of data use a NAS system which makes all files accessible via one or several UNC shares. Simple.

You can assign each drive a fixed drive letter in Windows and Windows will then makes the drive available with the same drive letter all the time.
For example, look here: