Print text of Media and Folders

Started by chips, September 21, 2018, 06:16:26 PM

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A 4Tb back-up disk failure means a lot of backing up and rebuilding required. The missing files are in imatch database but of course show up as "off line".  A print out of what was where from Media & Folders menu would expedite the task but copy and paste seems impossible.  I could take multiple screen grabs but it's a tedious and inelegant solution.  Is there a faster friendlier way ? 


When you select one (or several folders on the same level) and press Ctrl+C, IMatch copies the folder names into the clipboard.
You cannot select folders on different levels at the same time.

There is no feature "Write the names of all folders contained in this database to a text file", unfortunately. This is rarely needed.
But when you run a database diagnosis it lists the name of all folders in the resulting diagnosis log file.

I have updated the sample app "Folders". It now has a command to list all folders in the database.

1. Download the attached ZIP file and extract the contents.

2. Replace the existing sample app "folders" in "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\folders" with the contents of the ZIP.
You will be asked if you want to replace the files when you do it right.

3. Restart IMatch.

4. Run the "Folders" App from the App Panel in IMatch.

Click he button "List Folders". It produces a list of all folder names in the database. You can then select and copy the list.


Quote from: chips on September 21, 2018, 06:16:26 PM
A 4Tb back-up disk failure means a lot of backing up and rebuilding required. The missing files are in imatch database but of course show up as "off line".  A print out of what was where from Media & Folders menu would expedite the task but copy and paste seems impossible.  I could take multiple screen grabs but it's a tedious and inelegant solution.  Is there a faster friendlier way ?

Curious why this would be a big process?  If you are using a good backup scheme, you should be able to perform a simple restore and voila - everything in IM will work again.  I have my photos drive setup to backup in Full Weekly and incrementally every day.  If a drive goes bad, I pop in a new one and restore the full and any incrementals which is done automatically.  Are you not using a backup scheme like this?  If not - I HIGHLY recommend doing so.. I use NovaBackup.