Custom metadata panel lost after restoring database

Started by jarraun, October 01, 2018, 06:33:41 PM

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After reinstalling Windows 7 OS in my pc, i´ve made a restore of my database through Pack&Go and it opens ok in Imatch licensed_2017_14_2_x64. But when I start Metadata Panel and try to open one of the options which I had costumized at my taste, it has gone, I can only see standard Metadata Panel options.

My questions:
•   Does Backup in Pack&Go save custom Metadata Panel layouts and where if true ?
•   I f not, how could I retrieve it, maybe from a backup pf my system pc disk ?

Thank you in advance, for me is an important tool of my introducing metadata workflow.

Best regards


Custom panels are stored in the settings database, on a per-user basis.
Did you restore the settings database? Do you use the same user name as before?



  • Yes Mario I Think I´ve restored the settings database (see attachement).
  • No Mario first time I restored the database with another Windos user name, then I read your message, changed to the original user name and reboot pc. After restoring database with correct user still can´t see my custom metadata panel.
Could I retrieve it from a copy of Imatch5.pts file?. Thanks.


The settings database file name is "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts".

imatch5.pts was used for IMatch 5 only. Unless you configured IMatch to use that file under Edit > Preferences > Application. In that case you need to restore that file and also re-configure your new installation to use that old version of the file.


It worked, pointing the "Settings database filename" to Imatch5.pts file returned my custom metadata panel. Nail it again :D. Now I´m going to install new 2018 Imatch version, please how could I consolidate this change in order that the new version and nexts display my custom panel ?


Your settings will not change when installing IMatch.

But I recommend that you rename and move your custom settings database to "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts" and then set IMatch back to the default settings database. This avoids similar problems in the future.


Ok, thanks Mario, I´ll let you know if anything goes wrong when I install 2018 Imatch version.