Mapping with Downloader Pro.

Started by cthomas, October 05, 2018, 06:08:35 PM

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Can somebody help use Downloader Pro to map all of my cameras. This is how I have been trying to map my camera's.

1) I go to File>Preferences then I click on the Mapping tab.
2) I then click on the Add camera Button or click and drag on the image I want to map to the window. Either one of these actions will open the
3) Camera Model Mapping window then in the {T8} field I type what I want to show for the camera Canon 40D_,


Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Hi Carl - looks right on my end... here is my setup (I use the camera model instead of the serial #):

Most importantly though - this is my "Download Path" tab screen which shows how I use the {T8} within the filename... that is where the magic happens!

So, as you can see in the Example Image Name - this will result in a file name using the mapping (along with a month-day and partial image number from the file.

Been using it for awhile (as you can see by the camera list) so please let me know if I can help you make it work.

I know I can do all this (and more) within IMatch itself... I use DLPro first because I only import developed JPG's into my IMatch database and most of my images are taken in RAW and processed first through C1.. this allows me to import the images to my import drive (G), process the RAW's in C1 and export the developed files into my IMatch Photo Drive (I).  For there, I import the images from the I drive only into IMatch and begin the DAM process.


Quote from: Jingo on October 06, 2018, 01:50:46 AM
Hi Carl - looks right on my end... here is my setup (I use the camera model instead of the serial #):

Thank you Jingo for your help. I have been trying to get this to work for two months. Would you show me step by step how you do yours?

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


You bet Carl... pretty much just as you do.. Whenever I add photos from a new camera, the software automatically brings up a dialog to ask me about a mapping (thanks to the parameter on the mapping page: Prompt for camera mappings when new camera detected.  I then added in the description I want for T8 (ie: Nikon_D500) and that's it.  The mapping works because of the Filename on the first tab as shown in the screenshots.  Works flawlessly!


Quote from: Jingo on October 06, 2018, 11:13:42 PM
You bet Carl... pretty much just as you do.. Whenever I add photos from a new camera, the software automatically brings up a dialog to ask me about a mapping (thanks to the parameter on the mapping page: Prompt for camera mappings when new camera detected.  I then added in the description I want for T8 (ie: Nikon_D500) and that's it.  The mapping works because of the Filename on the first tab as shown in the screenshots.  Works flawlessly!

How do you add your photos?

I have 20,000 photos on a hard drive E:\Thomas Photos 39,277 Φιλεσ. Chris Breeze told me to go to the Mapping tab and click on the add image button which opens my Canon 40D photos I then click on the photo I want. Then the Camera Model Mapping window open and in the {T8} window he said to type Canon 40D_. And this is what I get. Which is wrong.


Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Carl - why is that wrong?  It looks like your photo has an EXIF tag embedded with the serial # for your 40D as :0820520689... so, anytime you import photos that also have that exif tag (from the same Canon 40D) - it will substitute "Canon 40D_".  Is this not what you are looking for?  If you don't want to use the serial # to identify the camera when images are added - just uncheck that box and do the add camera again... I don't use serial # because I have photos from MANY of the same cameras... I had 3 Nikon D90's at one point... since they are all D90 - I used the camera model and then only had to use a single entry.

If I"m not getting what you are referring to.. just let me know.  Thx - Andy.


Quote from: Jingo on October 08, 2018, 04:22:23 PM
Carl - why is that wrong?  It looks like your photo has an EXIF tag embedded with the serial # for your 40D as :0820520689... so, anytime you import photos that also have that exif tag (from the same Canon 40D) - it will substitute "Canon 40D_".  Is this not what you are looking for?  If you don't want to use the serial # to identify the camera when images are added - just uncheck that box and do the add camera again... I don't use serial # because I have photos from MANY of the same cameras... I had 3 Nikon D90's at one point... since they are all D90 - I used the camera model and then only had to use a single entry.

If I"m not getting what you are referring to.. just let me know.  Thx - Andy.

Look at this image

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Not sure why it is not working for you - unless your images just don't have the proper exif data embedded for the ones you are choosing to use as a map.  If you share an image you are trying - I can see if it works on my system. 

You can also try this image - download it to your local machine and choose it to "add camera"... worked for me as you can see below!

See here:

Hang in there.. we'll figure it out!!


Quote from: Jingo on October 08, 2018, 05:35:16 PM
Not sure why it is not working for you - unless your images just don't have the proper exif data embedded for the ones you are choosing to use as a map.  If you share an image you are trying - I can see if it works on my system. 

You can also try this image - download it to your local machine and choose it to "add camera"... worked for me as you can see below!

See here:

Hang in there.. we'll figure it out!!

Here is the imag I have working with.


Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Hi Carl - I don't see the image attached.. looks like it didn't make it.


Hey I will try again.......

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Hi Carl - Figured it out...... this is not working the way you expect because there is no serial number in the photo Exif.... without that value - it won't be able to identify by serial though you can still use the camera model.   Hope this helps! - Andy.


Note: The community software strips metadata from images during the upload process. Always ZIP image files to keep the metadata intact.


Quote from: Mario on October 09, 2018, 07:43:32 AM
Note: The community software strips metadata from images during the upload process. Always ZIP image files to keep the metadata intact.

Does it also strip exif data?  I can see other exif data in the file (like camera model) so I assume only XMP data is stripped?


If you see EXIF data, nothing has been stripped (I guess). To be sure, a ZIP is safer. The camera serial must be in the EXIF.


Quote from: Mario on October 09, 2018, 03:04:49 PM
If you see EXIF data, nothing has been stripped (I guess). To be sure, a ZIP is safer. The camera serial must be in the EXIF.

Yeah.. I'm baffled then... no serial but all the other EXIF data is there.... perhaps this file exif was modified along the way by some other software and serial was stripped...  In any event - that is why this is not working.  :-)


Quote from: Jingo on October 10, 2018, 01:10:52 PM
Quote from: Mario on October 09, 2018, 03:04:49 PM
If you see EXIF data, nothing has been stripped (I guess). To be sure, a ZIP is safer. The camera serial must be in the EXIF.

Yeah.. I'm baffled then... no serial but all the other EXIF data is there.... perhaps this file exif was modified along the way by some other software and serial was stripped...  In any event - that is why this is not working.  :-)

So what should I look for that would be wrong?

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Quote from: cthomas on October 11, 2018, 07:53:07 PM
Quote from: Jingo on October 10, 2018, 01:10:52 PM
Quote from: Mario on October 09, 2018, 03:04:49 PM
If you see EXIF data, nothing has been stripped (I guess). To be sure, a ZIP is safer. The camera serial must be in the EXIF.

Yeah.. I'm baffled then... no serial but all the other EXIF data is there.... perhaps this file exif was modified along the way by some other software and serial was stripped...  In any event - that is why this is not working.  :-)

So what should I look for that would be wrong?

Not sure Carl... the exif data inside the image needs to have a camera serial # in order for DLPro to pull that value...  and the sample image provided did not have it.  If you review the exif values using IMatch - you'll be able to determine if its there under another name or just not included for that camera (some Canon cameras do not include this info in the exif - I know certain rebel bodies didn't).


"review the exif values using IMatch"

How can I do this in IMatch? And can I search around 100 images for exif values using IMatch?

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


You see the metadata contained in your files in the Metadata Panel. Switch to the browser mode to see them all.

Learn about the Metadata: The Metadata Panel and the free video tutorial.

If the serial number of your images has been tucked away in some obscure maker note, IMatch may not have imported it. IMatch does not import all maker notes to keep the database small.

To make sure, review one of your files in the The ExifTool Command Processor. Use the "List Metadata" preset.
This tool shows you all the metadata in your file.

Tip: Use the search box on the lower right to search the metadata for words like serial to find the serial number, if any.


Quote from: Mario on October 12, 2018, 06:17:36 PM

Tip: Use the search box on the lower right to search the metadata for words like serial to find the serial number, if any.

Use the search box on the lower right to search the metadata for words like serial to find the serial number, if any. Where is this? I can't find it?

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Carl first you need to click the magnifying glass at the top of the metadata panel to turn on the search box.


To search in the ExifTool Command Processor, enter the search text where it says: "Search the result".

This is of course also explained in the help topic for the ExifTool command processor. Which you can open, like always in IMatch, by pressing the <F1> key while the ExifTool Command Processor is open.
If you use the help, you can help yourself and get answers to your questions quickly:


Ah.  I misread this, I thought he was trying to search the metadata panel.


Quote from: Mario on October 14, 2018, 10:12:55 PM
To search in the ExifTool Command Processor, enter the search text where it says: "Search the result".

This is of course also explained in the help topic for the ExifTool command processor. Which you can open, like always in IMatch, by pressing the <F1> key while the ExifTool Command Processor is open.
If you use the help, you can help yourself and get answers to your questions quickly:

Mario I don't understand this stuff. Will you be so kind and help me with this?

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Where do you have problems?

Running the ExifTool Command Processor to see the data in your files?
Searching the result?


Quote from: Mario on October 15, 2018, 09:10:18 AM
Where do you have problems?

Running the ExifTool Command Processor to see the data in your files?
Searching the result?

I think both of the above. So that I can see why DLPro is not he exif data inside the image needs to have a camera serial # in order for DLPro to pull that valu.

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


1. Select one of your images in the file window.
2. From the Tools menu > Select ExifTool Command Processor
3. In the window that opens, right at the top, select the "List Metadata" preset.
4. Click on the Riun button at the lower left.

This runs ExifTool and extracts all metadata from your file. The data is then displayed on the right side of the window.
In the search box (see my screen shot above) type serial to find all metadata values with names containing the word serial.
This should show you if your files contain any usable serial number.

If you need further help for using a software from another vendor (Downloader Pro), I recommend you contact their support for advice.
I have never used Downloader Pro.


Quote from: Mario on October 15, 2018, 06:23:35 PM

I have never used Downloader Pro.

The problem here (I believe) is that somehow the serial info has been removed from the EXIF files that Carl is trying to load... as such, DLP cannot use this info to add into the file.  The process works perfectly for files that include the serial# in the EXIF.

Carl - I would suggest following the steps Mario outlined just to confirm the EXIF Serial # is indeed missing in your photos.  Then, you will need to figure out WHY that happened.... perhaps you can just rebuild this value into the EXIF for all images that are missing it?