Wrong characters, unicode?

Started by Dabrovnijk, October 23, 2018, 07:55:52 PM

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I get wrong characters when using "Reverse Geocode all selected files...".

It should be (compare to the screendump):
Sverige, Gävleborgs län

But it is not, how can I fix that.


Which language have you configured under Edit > Preferences > GPS?
Which geocoding service do you use?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Provider Search: GeoNames.org
Geocoding Service: GeoNames.org
Language: se

When checking I discovered (lol, didn't see that at first) that I could change the first two to use Google.
(That made the problem go away.)

Now the result is:
Sweden, Gävleborgs län;

Which is more correct and using Sweden is ok even if I would rather have it use "Sverige".

If I go to GeoNames and search för "sörforsa" the result is presented ok, https://www.geonames.org/2675146/soerforsa.html


Please provide a coordinate pair I can use to analyze this.
I'm pretty sure that I send the requested language to GeoNames.org correctly and hence it should return the names in the requested language (if available).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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I'm not sure that I can understand the problem.

The request IMatch sends is:


Replace demo with your GeoNames.org. user name, then you can send this request via your browser.
As you can see, IMatch correctly specifies the lang as se.

The result is always "Gävleborgga leatna".

But when I specify the lang as lang=no, I get

"Gävleborgs län"

Maybe you should request the data in the Norwegian language?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Using NO as language and GeoNames gave me correct text including using "Sverige" instead of "Sweden".

I also discovered that when I use "NO" as language Google also uses "Sverige" instead of "Sweden".