IMatch Viewer Sluggishness

Started by Darius1968, October 24, 2018, 06:02:01 AM

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I've attached the in-debug-mode log file, which reflects sluggish IMatch Viewer performance, with respect to category view being toggled on, while the viewer is in service. 

The scope of files in the File Window is 238<->140 (98 stacked), from which I select the 1st five to send to the viewer.  Right now, the log file should indicate all is well because I can cycle through each and every one of the five images, without any difficulty.  That is, until I decide that I want to invoke the category display.  Here, moving to the next image causes IMatch to hang for about 5 seconds, before it can move to another image.  The only way to fix this is to turn off the category view, and then after the 5 sec. hang is over, ESC out of the viewer.  If I at this point, go back to the viewer, all is once again, fine, because the category view isn't active! 


If this is only slow when you show the categories panel in the Viewer it is most likely related to bug #00679 (see which has already been fixed for the next release.