Cannot delete the installed [WHO] Thesaurus group

Started by davidge, October 24, 2018, 03:28:49 PM

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I imported a keywords hierarchy into the Thesaurus and that was OK and shows them all correctly and they can be assinged to images successfully.

I then tried to remove the [WHO]>Person group and keyword (that are set up when IMatch was installed) from the Thesaurus. However this did not work

I tried:
- deleting the group entry [WHO] using the Thesaurus manager
- deleting directly from the Thesearus keywords panel entry (selected [WHO]>right click>Delete)
- as both above but first deleting the Person keyword then deleting the [WHO] group

In all instances [WHO] and Person are removed from the Theseaurus according to the Thesaurus Manager and the keyword panel. Then I close IMatch and restart it they come back.

I have no images that use the [WHO]>Person keyword.


Hah! This was a puzzler indeed.

By default, Face annotations are mapped to keywords, and to the path [WHO]Persons. See Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2.
If this node does not exist in the thesaurus, it is automatically created when the thesaurus is loaded. Which explains why [WHO] reappears.
If you don't want this, change the mapping for the person keywords.

This only happens when the mapping keyword path is the default, not when this is a user-defined path.