Visual similar images - search also with duplicate search

Started by sinus, October 31, 2018, 05:22:02 PM

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Hi all
I have from time to time some files, where I am not sure, do I have a copy (a real duplicate) or a version, or several versions in the DB.
I think, I am not the only one with this scenario.

Well, how can I find that out?
1) I have to search for a duplicate. If IMatch finds nothing, I have to
2) search for "visual similar images"

To be sure, I have mostly to use both searches.
Would it not be easier, if in the "visual similiar images" would be an option, to search also for duplicates?

If there would be such a possibility, I would for sure enable the "also search for duplicates" - search.
Would avoid to search twice.

What do you think? (Of course I have no idea, if this would be technicaly possible for Mario)

The search window I'm talking about is attached as an attachement, there it would be great if it had an option "search for duplicates too".
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Searching for binary duplicates (exact copies) is a totally different task from searching for visually similar images. I think it makes good sense to keep that separated. You can always do a quick Ctrl+M,D followed by a Ctrl+M,V if the duplicate search does not return anything.