Manage historical images. How?

Started by unterwasserfoto_at, November 02, 2018, 04:31:05 PM

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Manage historical images. How?

Hello to the old hands.
How do you manage old pictures. I am talking about pictures where we are not the authors.

Which information do you write where to
* Author of the pictures
* From whom you got the pictures.
* How do you tag your name
Date of creation. Especially if the year is not exactly known.

I'm curious how you approach this. I have with me in the archive about 2,000 pictures which I must submit to a labeling.

Thank you for your suggestions and discussion.
Berufsfotograf in Österreich.
HW: Nikon D5, Nikon Coolscan 5000, Subal Unterwassergehäuse, DJI Phantom
SW Photoshop CS4, Adobe Bridge, IMatch6


Can you please strip the

Translated with

from your posts? This is advertising and not allowed by the community rules. It might get you banned.


There has been discussion about this uncertain date in this forum.
As far as I can recall there are some (library?) standards how to write such dates. But there seems
to be no software which can work with such uncertain dates - certainly Imatch can't.

With the new scripting capabilities in Imatch one could probably develop an add-on to deal with such dates.
(Adding an attribute field holding the uncertain date and then searching/filtering by this date if present....)
But defining the requirements would be a tremendous (and difficult) task.

You can use attribute fields to store whatever additional info you want to keep. And categories to collect such
scanned/received images.


Searching the community for uncertain date should give some pointers.


Thank you for your contributions
Before this issue goes any further, I would like to return to my question. How and especially which metadata for which information you describe in your historical pictures.

The one with the date is a subordinate one. By the way, the forum doesn't find any further entries about it.

I would be happy if like-minded people would bring their experience here.


Berufsfotograf in Österreich.
HW: Nikon D5, Nikon Coolscan 5000, Subal Unterwassergehäuse, DJI Phantom
SW Photoshop CS4, Adobe Bridge, IMatch6


Quote from: unterwasserfoto_at on November 02, 2018, 08:40:17 PM
Before this issue goes any further, I would like to return to my question. How and especially which metadata for which information you describe in your historical pictures.

You've raised good questions; a number of users on the forum have experience here. In my case, my database includes scans of some century-old photographs as well as photos of family portraits that are even older. I also have scans of more recent family slides and photos.

1. Dates and times. Unfortunately, the metadata standards for dates and times are rather confusing, especially regarding names. You may want to set up a custom metadata template that includes original date/time XMP::Photoshop\DateCreated\DateCreated\0 and digitized date/time XMP::xmp\CreateDate\CreateDate\0. Using the two date/time tags is especially useful for scanned images where the two date/times are different. See for more details. If you use these date/time tags, the created dates of your images will appear in the proper place in the IMatch Timeline (very useful!).

2. Uncertain dates. As Mario said, this topic has been discussed several times here. One common approach to uncertain dates is to use certain fixed dates to indicate approximate date. For example, 2018:01:01 00:00:00 (for US users) would indicate an approximate date sometime in 2018. 2018:07:01 00:00:00 would indicate a date in the second half of the year. 2018:01:01 00:00:00 would be a date sometime in January 2018. There are also more sophisticated approaches that require additional metadata tags. See, for example, for discussion of some different ways to set approximate dates, including using Categories and Attributes and also other metadata tags.

3. Author of the photos. Just use the standard Author tag XMP::dc\creator\Creator\0.

4. From whom you got the photos. I don't think there is an official standard for this, but Credit XMP::Photoshop\Credit\Credit\0 could be used.

5. How do you tag your name. Can you clarify here? If you're interested in tagging people in your images, see the IMatch Help for Face Annotations.

6. Location. You will likely want to record where the images were taken. This can be as simple as using the standard Country/County/City/Location tags or possibly even GPS coordinates recorded using the Map panel.

7. Keywords. You will probably want to assign hierarchical Keywords to these historical images, with entries in your thesaurus. I'm not aware of any standard way of doing this, however.

Good luck! Let us know if you have more questions.



Nice to get an answer to my question here

As for the date, I think we'll leave that at that. It doesn't matter with a picture that 1920 on the day. Here it would only be nice if only the year could be entered.

The rest I like the approach very much.

Maybe someone will contact me who has been working with it for a while.

Berufsfotograf in Österreich.
HW: Nikon D5, Nikon Coolscan 5000, Subal Unterwassergehäuse, DJI Phantom
SW Photoshop CS4, Adobe Bridge, IMatch6