HTML5 DATALIST + INPUT suppported in IMatch's Chrome?

Started by dnovak, November 03, 2018, 03:41:18 AM

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I'm trying to implement autocomplete in a text box as described here:

I made an app with nothing more than this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <input type="text" id="raw-val" class="form-control" placeholder="value" list="custom5-datalist">
<datalist id="custom5-datalist">
    <option value="one"/>
    <option value="two"/>
    <option value="three"/>

Expected: Entries in a <DataList> tag appear as options when clicking the related <INPUT> element.

Actual: Dropdown arrow appears, but no list drops down.

I also tried the example in the above link (by clicking that link in an IMatch app window) with similar results.

Both modal and 'regular' app windows behave the same way.

Note: it does behave as expected in Chrome itself (v70).   I recall IMatch (understandbly) doesn't always have the current version of Chrome, and shows this feature is only fully supported as of Chrome 69. (caniuse also indicates there's a bug in v68 and earlier with long lists, but even this simple list of three items doesn't work in the IMatch instance. 

Does IMatch's Chrome/Chromium support this HTML5 feature?  I'd prefer to use as much vanilla JavaScript and 'ordinary' HTML5 features as possible, but can use an autocomplete library if I need to.

I wasn't able to test in actual Chrome 68 or earlier to determine if the problem is just Chrome itself or the IMatch-embedded instance.


Dan Novak


The Info App tells you the Chromium version currently shipped with IMatch.
I indeed not update Chromium all the time because a) it is major, major hassle usually and b) edge features like this are maybe used by 0.001% of all users.

The datalist problem can be solved with a few lines of jQuery easily.


The next IMatch release ships with Chromium 70.0.3538.77 if my tests run OK (which means that I will be using this version for the next couple of weeks).