An info-master for several files

Started by sinus, September 18, 2017, 10:39:15 AM

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If I have several images from the same event, like a birthday- or sport-shooting, a lot of the files are similar.
And often it makes no sense to "clutter" the window with 200 images from football-game.
Specialy if it is gone.  ;D

In such cases (in fact I do this with every event) I stack the e.g. 200 images.
To remember, I look, that the top-stacked file is a good one, what I can remember immediately, what is behind the stack.

Now sometimes I want to add some remarks, e.g. some attributes, or even in the metadata.
In my case I add often some remarks into the attributes, like "take pictures not before 17 am, the light is bad before" or "this family was specialy nice".
I do also store some values for the bill, like also expenses and so on.

If I have now a stack with 50 or 200 images, I can add this of course to all images.
In my case I choose for this the top-stacked image and make this image to my "info-master".
All relevant info and remarks does hold this file. I see no reason to add all the same information for all stacked images.

To see a "info-master" quickly, I use a special icon, in my case a feather with an "i-icon".
Of course I could also use another label or dots or pins, but they are all reserved for other stuff.  ;D

In the attachement you can see a "normal" view and an enhanced view with some icons, in this case I spoke about the icon at the top right.

IMatch give us really  a lot of possibilities  :D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



die Idee gefällt mir. Auch ich habe solche Fälle, dass ich ganze Sets an Bildern zusammenfügen benennen möchte. Was ich mir dazu aber wünschen würde, ist dass man den Ordner in welchem man die Bilder abgelegt hat diese Information hat.
Man kann mit der Maus über den Odrner fahren und erhält die Thumbnails + die Information. Auch die Suche geht auf diese Felder.

Was sagst du dazu.

Gruss Tom
Berufsfotograf in Österreich.
HW: Nikon D5, Nikon Coolscan 5000, Subal Unterwassergehäuse, DJI Phantom
SW Photoshop CS4, Adobe Bridge, IMatch6


Quote from: unterwasserfoto_at on November 14, 2018, 05:53:47 AM

die Idee gefällt mir. Auch ich habe solche Fälle, dass ich ganze Sets an Bildern zusammenfügen benennen möchte. Was ich mir dazu aber wünschen würde, ist dass man den Ordner in welchem man die Bilder abgelegt hat diese Information hat.
Man kann mit der Maus über den Odrner fahren und erhält die Thumbnails + die Information. Auch die Suche geht auf diese Felder.

Was sagst du dazu.

Gruss Tom

Of course, the idea of that, hoover with the mouse over a folder and get the information, sounds good.
But I do not know, how we can get this.

And I guess, I have another folder-system like you.
Basically I have a folder for each year and inside this folder 12 subfolders for each month.
Usually I work in the categories, not in the folders.

Therefore the folders are not that important, inside IMatch, for me.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I would suggest to create a dummy file with the batch processor. Select the name so it will show first in the folder.
Then attach your information to this file.

You can write the folder name in the file - see example.

(It would be nice if we could, at the time of creation, enter some text which will be shown on the file.
In a previous version of IM this was possible because one could call the batch processor from a script.
The script would ask for the text, put the text into a global variable and the batch processor would then use
this global variable to get the text which is to be displayed. I had this idea originally to produce label files for slide shows.)


Was ich mir gedacht habe ist viel mehr, dass man einen Ordner genau so behandelt als ein Bild.
Man hat die Möglichkeit für ein Feld Beschreibung, Keywords, Aufnahmeort, abgelichtete Personen, Datum.....
Diese Information bekommt man dann wenn man mit der Maus drüber fährt.
Auch eine Suche dazu wäre dann fein. Ja ein Wunsch. Aber es kommt ja Weihnachten
Berufsfotograf in Österreich.
HW: Nikon D5, Nikon Coolscan 5000, Subal Unterwassergehäuse, DJI Phantom
SW Photoshop CS4, Adobe Bridge, IMatch6


The idea of Ubacher is quite good, I do maybe a kind of it.

I do this from time to time, but from all event-masters of a folder. (attachement)
This gives me one such a file (A4) or two, if there are more then 20 events.

End of the year or every time, I do a overview with them for several monthes.
Nice it this, I can print these sheets too, and see all nicely together (with the info, what is important to me).
These sheets are of course at the start of the month (sorting).

But over all, I am not really folder - oriented.
One folder for each month, that's it.
I have say 2000 images per month, from e.g. 25 events, then I end with 25 info-stacks, what represents the whole month.

Then I end with something like you see in my attachements, the same month with two different layouts.
I see with one view each event and if I want see the pics, I open simply the stack.

I would not like to add all infos again somewhere, because all infos are finally in the pics, I can simply take them and store them, where I want.
It is a pity, that I am not able to scripting (like ubacher), but it is like it is.  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


You can assign individual thumbnails per folder. Use these to carry information, a representative image or whatever when you need this.
You an also assign individual comments to folders, which are displayed in the mouse tip.

Folder Thumbnail with comment/description.

You can search for folder names and comments via the Folder Filter panel in the Media & Folders View.

I think you should first use what's available in IMatch already. And only if you think that more is needed and that this 'more' would be useful for more than one or two users, add a feature request.

@ubacher: IMWS 2018/2019 has methods to produce images from scratch, including text and image overlay. No access to the IMatch Batch Processor, because that is an IMatch feature and IMWS is independent from IMatch, more and more.
But, with very view exceptions, the same functionality as provided by the BP, just callable via an endpoint. I've added when creating the Download feature for IMatch Anywhere. I might document this endpoint at some time, to allow users to create images.

For now, you can use all the graphic power available in JavaScript (Canvas, WebGL even 3D and animation support, ...) to produce images on-the-fly in a script or app. Or write a small Python script or whatever and call it from an app. So many ways to implement this.

Mees Dekker

As a side remark:

it would be helpful to use only one language in any specific item and not mix German and English. Although I'm fluent in both German and English, this is most likely not the case for many community members.


Agreed. The thread started in English so I used that language. This is how it should be.