Propagating Categories to Versions

Started by JasCarter, November 04, 2018, 09:50:20 PM

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Hi - I'm taking my first steps into using the File Relations commands to create Versions, so I can automatically keep track of files I have edited. I've got the Master and Replacement Expressions set up to work as I want, but I'm having trouble propagating Categories, Ratings and other data to the Version files.

In the Versioning tab of the File Relations window, I've ticked Categories, Attributes, Rating, and XMP Author and Copyright. I've also put a cross (for Include) in the 'All' box of the Category tree below. When I refresh File Relations, the Versions stacks are set up as expected but of these items have transferred to the Versions.

I'd be grateful for suggestions about anyhting I've missed.

Best wishes
James Carter
James Carter


1. Show screen shot of your settings.
2. Propagation takes place when you make changes to the master. If you assign a category to the master, it should be propagated to the versions. Did you check that?


Many thanks Mario. I've just checked, and if I assign a Category to a Master file, it does indeed propagate to the Versions. What I'd like is for existing Categories (that were already assigned) to propagate. I wondered whether I need to select 'Include recursively' in the Category tree so as to achieve this, but it's not possible to select this option for the @All node. I've tried it for a sub category, and run Refresh Relations again, but the existing Categories still don't propagate.

I'll attach a Screenshot of the relevant settings in case it helps.

Best wishes
James Carter


The @All category is not propagated. This category represents all categories in your database, including data-driven categories.
Please select the categories you really want to propagate and then retry.


If I select individual Categories, then new categories assigned to the Master file propagate immediately to the Versions, as do any newly-assigned Ratings. This only works with 'bottom level' Categories: selecting a Parent of several Child Categories (while leaving the Children unticked) does not make the Child Categories propagate. Attributes behave in the same way: new attributes or edits to existing Attributes propagate immediately. Categories and Attributes that were set up before the File Relations were established (i.e. before I edit the Master files) do not propagate at all, even after running Refresh Relations in both 'Keep Manual' and 'Full Rebuild' modes.

This may be the intended behaviour, but it would be useful to be able to assign pre-existing Categories and Attributes to the Versions.

Thank you as always for your help.
James Carter


This is the intendet behavor. Changes done to the master propagate to versions.
You can force a propagate via the Propagate command available in the context menu of master files or via <F4>,<T>. But this is all explained in the corresponding help topic: Propagation


Many thanks Mario - the 'force propagation' option works fine, and does what I was expecting. I hadn't appreciated from the description of Versions and File Relations in the Help system that propagation works for changes made after the Version is set up - all is clear now.

Best wishes
James Carter