A trick-variable to count images from a group (D&P)

Started by sinus, January 21, 2019, 11:23:03 AM

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Hi Mario

Maybe you can remember, once you created this genious variable (I do not more know, where, but it is from you  ;D)


It shows all images from one group (we have only to give enough space for them)
This is a really cool variable.

I made in the last time a Feature Request to count all images in a group (for Design & Print).

Now I stumbled again over this variable.
Maybe there is a chance, that you know a way with this variable not only to show, but to count all these images from a group?

I tried several things, but did not succeed.
Maybe you (or someone else) know a clever solution?

This question is simply a shot in the dark, perhaps it meets an illuminating light, perhaps not.  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I don't remember. I don't even know at the moment what Group: means, exactly. Something with properties I think.
I know what Container.ZOrder does, but not the rest. I haven't used D&P for a long time.

Have you tried to just add a |count:true at the end?
Group:<Index> accesses a specific file in the group. You are using the ZIndex of that file, but this returns one file only? So count would always be 1.


Quote from: Mario on January 21, 2019, 12:00:57 PM
I don't remember. I don't even know at the moment what Group: means, exactly. Something with properties I think.
I know what Container.ZOrder does, but not the rest. I haven't used D&P for a long time.

Have you tried to just add a |count:true at the end?
Group:<Index> accesses a specific file in the group. You are using the ZIndex of that file, but this returns one file only? So count would always be 1.

Thanks for your answer, Mario.

Group means subcategories. For D&P and dynamic templates we can throw a maincategory and subcategories, like

Fruits (0)
-Apples (12)
-exotic fruits (44)
-nuts (67)

If we throw "Fruits" into D&P, this is the main-cat without any files in it and therefore D&P does ignore this.
But each subcat will be one group and we can work with this group, like in the help (see attachement)

This variable, what I wrote, does "loop" over every group and does show every image from every group.
All what we have to do, is create a page in the group-header and one file-container and this variable.
Then ALL images from this group will be showed.
Means in my example above there would be one page with 12 Apple-images, 44 exotic fruits and 67 nuts.

This works suuuuuper!
All what I try to find out, is the number of each group (what is in fact each a subcategory).

Means 12 images in the group Apples.
44 images in the group exotic fruits
67 images of nuts

And simply these number of images per group I want to find out.

I can find out a lot with help of the variables (total images, pages per group, total pages, time ....), but I cannot find out the number of images per group.

And because this variable {Group:{Print.Container.ZOrder}.File.FullName} shows all images per group, I thought, I can find out also, that the number will be counted.
But I fail always.

And yes, I have tried with count:true ant the end, it works not.

But if you not know a solution, let it be simply.  8) Because I have added last week a FR to find this number of images per group, maybe one day you will have the time to look into it.

No Problem.

first: the groups from the help
second: the page in the header-group with one file and the variable in it
third: (again) the result from such a page and with the variable (all images will be showes from one group), with the next turn, the next group will be showed and so on
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I assume you add a large number of containers and use the variable as the file name. This produces your overview but of course does not allow to count the number of files in a group.


Quote from: Mario on January 21, 2019, 02:17:52 PM
I assume you add a large number of containers and use the variable as the file name. This produces your overview but of course does not allow to count the number of files in a group.

This variable here was only another try from my, to count the images of each group.
It does not matter, if I have only a very few of images per group or a lot of images.

Currently IMatch is not able to count and show the images per group inside Design & Print.
That is why I made my FR (https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=8716.0).

I thougt, this variable could be a why to count this, but now I see, this variable here cannot help also.

So I let simply my FR be there, maybe one day there is a solution, maybe not.  ;D

Thanks for your answers.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I have seen your FR. Design & Print enhancements are currently not on my near-time to-do list.
I may look into this when I have free time and if it is easy to do, I might do it. Else I'll wait and see how many users users have a need for this. It may be only you.


Quote from: Mario on January 21, 2019, 02:44:03 PM
I have seen your FR. Design & Print enhancements are currently not on my near-time to-do list.
I may look into this when I have free time and if it is easy to do, I might do it. Else I'll wait and see how many users users have a need for this. It may be only you.

Thanks, Mario

this is fine for me. You have a lot other things to do, what is fully understandable.
No problem, thanks for your answers, I appreciate this really.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)