Add Supplemental Categories to Keywords

Started by Mammut, September 14, 2013, 05:08:49 PM

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I'm trying to create a Template to copy the supplemental categories to the keywords field.

This variable is not working because I get a long string instead of individual keywords:

So I tried the replace function:
{File.MD.XMP::photoshop\SupplementalCategories\SupplementalCategories\0|replace:~;==~;   }

But now I get these 3 keywords:


What is the right format for this?


PS: I know that there is an "Also use IPTC sup. categories as keywords" option in the preferences, but I already imported the files when I saw it, and I turned it on but the "Rescan now" command is not updating the tags anymore because the file date and time is the same.


QuoteForce update of all Files
Enable this option to force IMatch to re-index a file even if the last modified timestamp of that file on disk has not changed. This option is useful when you want IMatch to re-create thumbnails, cache images and re-load the metadata from all files. You also need to use this when you use applications which modify files on disk but do not update the last modified timestamp.

To open the dialog, choose the Add or Update Folders... command from the Commands menu.


Hi Richard,

thanks, I tried it but nothing changes here. At least the keywords are unchanged.

I tried to add some test keywords to some images in Daminion with preserving the file date, and tried the "Force update of all Files" option in IMatch, but it didn't import the new test keywords. But they are there if I look at the file with Exiftool.
So it's not an issue with the "Also use IPTC sup. categories as keywords" option, but with the updating mechanism itself.


Oh damn. I hoped that would work. I do believe that updating metadata is a mess. I liked it better when I could update IPTC but that is in the past. Now we have to deal with a new standard that is not a standard but whatever Adobe wants it to be in their latest version of whatever. It must keep Phil busy.  >:(


You cannot split multiple value metadata tags like IPTC supplemental categories via a variable and then copy them into another multi-value tag like XMP-lr:hierarchicalKeywords.

That exceeds even the capabilities of the Metadata Templates. A variable always returns a string, and whatever line feeds or separators you insert, the result will be assigned to the metadata tag selected as the target. There is no parsing logic involved which analyzes the input text and then eventually produces multiple values if the selected target metadata tag is a multi-value tag. There are limits, even for IMatch.

You can import supplemental categories as keywords via the regular import. Check your settings under Edit > Preferences > Metadata.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I know, but I have to reimport all the files, and it was more than 2 hours to import them. :) I wanted to avoid that.

I think I just select supplemental keywords, ctrl+shift+c, then select keyword, and ctrl+v+enter for only those files I want to use now. This method is working perfectly, just slow like hell. :D
Although I don't completely understand why we can't do the same ctrl+c parsing thing with the function. The ctrl+c creates the same long string just with space signs after the ; signs.