Activate Filelens

Started by mastodon, December 31, 2018, 03:12:53 PM

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I have a user, that has admin right (role: Administrator) and is a member of a group that has all rights (Access original files, Access protect3d file etc.). Database is not read-only. After setting this rights, I have reloaded IMatch Webservice Controller. The user can see the dashboard, and can set pins or change rating. BUT still can't see the Filelens.
What did I wrong?


Have you enabled the FileLens in the config.json?
See the Admin help page for details.


Yes, that was it. Thank you.
Wold is be possible to make a checkbox in the IMatch Webservice Controller for this?


The WebService Controller has no idea about IMatch WebViewer - or which application you use to access IMWS.
The purpose of the controller is to configure the service and IMWS options. It does not know that IMatch WebViewer even exists.


I see. And would it be possible to make this checkbox in the IMatch WebViewer Administrator panel? It would be much easier to use this setting, if it is on a panel.


The config.json cannot be updated from the Administrator panel in a browser.

First, a browser cannot update arbitrary files (for security reasons) and second, this file is security-sensitive and should only be accessible for the machine Admin.
In most environments, the config.json is set up once and then never touched again.

Unless, of course, a later edition of IMatch WebViewer introduces new settings.
For most settings I have chosen working defaults. Since the FileLens offers so much access, I decided to set it to off by default. Same as the ability for users to create their own download presets.


Ok, that is reasonable. Thanks! :)