TIF and RAF thumbnails not recognised.

Started by rafiki, June 24, 2013, 10:53:18 PM

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My thumbnails for TIF files and Fujifilm raw RAF files are blank with a Photoshop or Windows viewer logo with a red line through it. However the photo is showing in quick view. Why could that be?


Are your WIC codecs up-to-date?
TIF files are rendered without a WIC codec, though. Unless you have a TIFF WIC codec installed which fails to load.
The WIC diagnosis in the Help > Support menu may give additional info.
Any problem reports in the log file from that session? See the Beta Tester Guide in the IMatch help for information about the log file.


Were thumbnails for the same image files shown correctly in IMatch 3? I have many TIFF files and the thumbnails are fine.



I do have the Fast Picture Viewer codec pack installed.


I have RAF files from HS20EXR and HS30EXR. The thumbnails are shown. I'm using FPV Codec in the nearly newest version.


Please try the following:

Right-click one of the files without a thumbnail. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and choose Rescan from the menu. This opens a dialog with additional options. In this dialog, choose Force Rescan. Does this produce a thumbnail?


Quote from: Mario on June 25, 2013, 07:33:55 AM
Please try the following:

Right-click one of the files without a thumbnail. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and choose Rescan from the menu. This opens a dialog with additional options. In this dialog, choose Force Rescan. Does this produce a thumbnail?

Yes, that fixed it Mario thank you. I did have to force a rescan on all the folders with blank thumbnails, a normal rescan did nothing.


A normal rescan compares the last modified timestamp on disk with the timestamp recorded in the database. If the file on disk has not changed, it is not rescanned.

Since this fixed the problem, the real problem is lurking in the initial process of adding files.
Can you please try the following to help me find the issue:

Select one of the folders with the problem (the one with the most files is best) in the Media & Folders View.
Right-click and choose Remove from Database... to remove the folder from the database without deleting it from disk.
Restart IMatch.
Then add the folder again.
If some of the thumbnails are again black, please attach the zipped log file (Help menu > Support > Copy Application Log File) or send it to my support address (see below) and include a link to this post. The log file may tell me what errors IMatch is experiencing when adding the files. I guess it is a 'stress' issue.