How to write back files with pending metadata via script?

Started by ubacher, February 16, 2019, 07:02:28 PM

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I can use  Command ->Metadata writeback->For selected files .
Is there a way to achieve the same using v1/metadata/writeback with the immediate option?

(I ask this because of the warning given for v1/metadata/writeback immediate option. If the manually initiated
command can handle many files then it should be possible do do the same via script. Or would such a script get
awfully messy/complicated?)


The /metadata/writback endpoint is designed to write back individual files for selected cases. If you try to write-back too many files, the endpoint will take too long and your request will run into a timeout, causing errors and problems. Just don't.

Leave IMatch and the user to decide when to write back files.

Or design your script properly, with a progress bar, error handling, a way to abort the process, etc.