
Started by Aubrey, February 19, 2019, 08:19:41 PM

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Finally it has arrived!
Installed fine... now checking out all the wonderful new features - don't forget to read the Release Notes  :) Many extended features.



Alas not for me.
Since this installation, Windows (7) informs me that the program has stopped responding and must be closed. I tried throwing it three times and even punishment. Can uninstall and restart the update without risk?


Windows 7 is getting a PITA, really.

Just uninstall IMatch and re-install.
Make sure your virus checker is not causing problems and that you have all Windows 7 updates installed (if there are still updates for Windows 7, I don't know). Not many IMatch users with Windows 7 left. I still test it, but only in a virtual environment.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Installed under WIN10 without problem.
A little bit played around.
No problem at all.  :)


Thanks for the feedback!  :)
I'm not sure that this is a general Windows 7 problem. I test the installer and general functionality on W7 before each release.
But Windows 7 is, what, 12 years old? So many variants and potential issues...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Easily installed, and a quick look at some of the new features was IMPRESSSIVE!  Thanks, Mario! 
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA



Die neue Version 2019.2.2 ließ sich wieder nicht aus dem Kundenportal heraus installieren ! >:(
Ich habe den in einer vorigen Diskussion genannten "Trick" (Eingriff in die Sicherheits-Eigenschaften des MSI-Files) angewendet. --> Siehe da: So funktionierte die Installation ! ;D
Ein Update aus dem Programm heraus wurde nicht versucht - nicht nötig ...
mfG schwarzvogel


Was heist "nicht aus dem Kundenportal" installieren?

Du lädst den MSI-Installer runter und dann startest Du ihn mit Doppelklichk.
Wenn Du irgend etwas an den "Sicherheits-Eigesnschaften der Datei ändern musst, liegt das an Deinem System, nicht am MSI-File.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on February 19, 2019, 10:32:05 PM
Windows 7 is getting a PITA, really.

Learned a new acronym today used urban dictionary to work out P.I.T.A    ;D
Nice one!



I also try to learn something new every day. Then its not a day wasted :)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


no problems with installation on Win 7 SP1.



Quote from: Winfried on February 20, 2019, 10:11:46 AM
no problems with installation on Win 7 SP1.

Thanks for the feedback. I test installations and IM on W7 SP1 + Platform Update 1 (needed, because of DirectX) but there are so many different setups out there, one never knows...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Hello everyone,
I will uninstall and start again. But following Mario's answer, I partitioned my boot disk and installed Windows 10 (1809) for testing. Can I install iMatch 2019.2.2 directly on the same disk where I place my programs for Windows 7? Precision: So I have a ssd of 512 gigas, partitioned in two, where are both Windows 7 SP1 (for years) and now on the second partition Windows 10. My programs, they are on another ssd of 700 gigas, or I have placed "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" (by changing the registry of Seven for years, and now by modifying the registry of Windows 10). So, in short, I risk installing IMatch under version 10, that it does not reinstall itself (unless I create a directory specific to IMatch, such as "Photools.com \ imatch6_w10 \")?
Or is it really discouraged?   :-\
Thank you in advance.


IMatch installs into the standard Windows Program Files folder. This is automatically done by Windows installer.
If you run two Windows installations, each has its own program files folder structure. Don't try anything fancy like folding them together via registry hacks (shudder).

I recommend to not moving program files around or install software outside of the standard program installation folders.
This may have worked 10 years ago, but today there are so many additional security features, software execution policies, anti-virus measures active to protect your system. - running executable files from arbitrary folders can cause all kinds of surprising behavior, especially if the software launches external processes (like IMatch does with ExifTool, IMatchChromiumHelper, FFMPeg etc). Windows Defender may block the software (or one of the external executables) etc.

Also, do not move your IMatch installation around after having it installed. This may break some of the configuration settings which are created when you run IMatch for the first time.

Keep it simple. Let Windows decide where to install software and all will be working just fine.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Okay Mario, I'll do as you say.
For me, always the same problem in Windows 7; the program installs, but when I run it, it starts and displays the base for a few moments then appears the panel with the prompt to check the news and about the same time everything freezes and seems frozen, the little wheel of Windows turns and turns, then Windows tells me that it has encountered a problem and that it will close the program. The only solution is to click on "Ok" and voila ... it's over.   :'(


Quote from: Mario on February 20, 2019, 10:04:47 AM
Was heist "nicht aus dem Kundenportal" installieren?

Du lädst den MSI-Installer runter und dann startest Du ihn mit Doppelklichk.
Wenn Du irgend etwas an den "Sicherheits-Eigesnschaften der Datei ändern musst, liegt das an Deinem System, nicht am MSI-File.


Hallo Mario,
Mit einfach Doppelklick MSI starten geht eben nicht mehr !  >:( >:(
Es mag ja sein, daß das Problem an/in meinem Rechner liegt.
Manche MSI-Dateien von anderen Software-Anbietern zeigen die gleiche "Macke".
Ich habe als Win10-/PC-Laie auch keine Erklärung dafür und bin einfach froh diese "Ersatz-Lösung" gefunden zu haben.
Ich habe hier im Forum weiter vorn darüber berichtet.
Viel lieber würde ich beim nächsten Update über problemlose Installation berichten wie andere User hier...
mfG schwarzvogel


Quote from: Aubrey on February 19, 2019, 08:19:41 PM
Finally it has arrived!
Installed fine... now checking out all the wonderful new features - don't forget to read the Release Notes  :) Many extended features.


Me too, downloaded, installed (Win 10) that's it.
Not exploring (the new variables in D&P works perfectly!)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Smooth installation...


Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.    :-[

I had just forgotten to reboot the machine after uninstalling the version that was not running on Windows 7.
As I uninstalled it again before shutting down the computer, this morning after booting I was able to reinstall it and everything seems to work.
Likewise, I had it installed under W10 and there it worked directly. Next help I copied under W10 the "imatch.pts".