Save time with Design & Print

Started by sinus, March 19, 2019, 06:38:22 PM

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Again D&P  ;D

It's really hard to believe what makes Mario possible with D&P.
In combination with variables and a clever structure, a lot is possible - thanks Mario, really (even such inconspicuous like "text aligned right" is cool)

Here once again some pictures and short hints what is possible.

My template is a dynamic one.
Basically it takes (13) categories and creates inside D&P with them 13 groups.

Each group will be first shown as small pictures, but all on one page (max 180 images).

Then follows the timeline, where all pics will be presented in the date-order on as much pages as necessary (15 per page).
All of these pics has some metadata, like headline, description, city and so on.

Following are pages with the same pics, but bigger.

This is specialy for family - images very interesting.

The power of variables
With variables it was for example possible:

1) Each group has a coloured rectangle and a different background-image.

2) Each page has a kind of "navigation" on top. Means, every group has a coloured rectangle for better knowing, where we are. Seen pages are dark-grey, not seen grey. (but I cannot cklick on these rectangles for navigation (but it could work also, I tried this with hyperlinks, but this is not necessary for my use))

3) I have several category - trees in IMatch, but I cannot "put this over in D&P". Hence I must predefine these categories for my "navigatiion". But I have to do this only once in D&P. Ghen I use one single variable and say "is this code-word is Kunden" take cat1, if not cat2". This could be also nested. (see attachments the changed "navi" above)

4) if there is the word "history" in the file-name, use for this a predefined coulour (in my case pink, like Einstein).

5) if there are not 15 images on a page (because a group has say 10 images), then hide all stuff like rectangles

6) if there are no more groups to show, display a message, that this was the last page from the whole document.

7) Days of the shooting will be indidcated by a different colour for weekdays and weekends (A, W) (interesting to see very quickly, if the pics are taken in the "freetime" or not).

I know, heavy stuff and a very complicasted template (that it why it makes not sense to upload it, because very individual for my pics).
And I have forgot for sure some points.
But if you like this or that idea and you want to know more, you can simply ask here and if I know it, I will answer.

And - maybe you have also some good ideas.  :D

Of course not all all is possible, but a lot.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)
