LR Importer Time

Started by Langsey1, March 24, 2019, 06:29:57 PM

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How long does it take Imatch to import data from Lightroom with includes the root files and metadata using the Export import command? I believe it is taking so long. It has been importing for almost 24 hours and has 26 hours to go. It has imported 78% of the files. This for the root files. It still has the takes flags etc. to go. Thanks in advance.


Usually the importer runs very fast. All the work is then done by IMatch when it ingests the files.

You're not giving us much to work with, like a screen shot of what you are seeing, the IMatch Log file etc.
See. log file for details about the IMatch log file and how it helps to diagnose problems.

How many files does your catalog contain? On which kind of machine do you run it?
Where are your files stored (local disk, network?)
24 hour is ridiculous. I would close IMatch and then re-open it. It will continue to import files which have been queued but not yet processed.

You don't need the Lr Importer app. It's just a convenience feature. You can just add the same folders you manage in Lr to IMatch (drag them from Windows Explorer to the Media & Folders View) to add them (unless they already have been added).


Thanks Mario,
Confirmed what I was thinking.