Google map Page Not available?

Started by Jingo, April 21, 2019, 04:28:57 PM

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Hmm... just updated so I could add my location keywords via the new feature and now when I choose any of the Google Maps, I get an error... OpenStreet displays and works correctly and my google API key is valid and setup correctly... 



Please enter your personal Google Maps API key under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps.

The key you are using is not valid. Google only delivers low-rez imagery and the "only for development purposes" message. This is not a valid key.
Remember that Google has changed their policy in June last year and only supports "paid" keys now.


Interesting.. it was working prior to the update though... I'll need to figure out which account has which key... such a frustrating policy and convoluted process just to find where your key is stored not to mention the confusing nature in how things are named and setup!  Perhaps getting away from google is the best option...  Thx Mario!


Google changes and retires their programming interfaces constantly. Older versions of the Map panel will stop working soon because they only support older versions of Google, which will be discontinued soon.
You were just lucky that it worked for so long.