First Comparison between IDimager Pro 5 (RIP) and IMatch 5 beta

Started by Menace, June 13, 2013, 12:12:50 PM

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I made a comparison between IDimager Pro 5 (which is not developed anymore) and IMatch 5 beta (unfortunately in german, because my english is to "bad"). Maybe it could be a first help and maybe there are some people who can translate or add text?

Important: This pdf is my work, not related to Mario. It shouldn't bring more work to Mario.

Here is the link:

Kind regards,


@ Moderator: Maybe this is the wrong board. Sorry about that.


Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


I have zero German, but even at that level it looks impressive.


Thank you. But I already found something, what I am missing. IMatch have also a category-tree on the right side to tag keywords (another possibility).

If someone miss something, I'll add this (as long as somebody find it useful).


Great idea Menace!

I am also an IDimager user and am very likely to migrate to iMatch. Many years ago I started with iMatch but after a few years moved to IDimager because at that time IDimager  had a  much friendlier user interface. Feature wise I still like it and it serves my purpose very well. However, it has now been discontinued and has become very unreliable in the last few years. I cannot work for more than 10 minutes until I run into an issue. And although iMatch 3.x has lacked a bit in features/usability, it looks like it's completely caught up with 5.x.

But I'm digressing; I do not want to use the iMatch forum to complain about another program. I actually wanted to say that I expect that there are many more IDimager users wanting to move to iMatch and that maybe a "migration" chapter would be useful in the forum. But that depends on whether Mario would find that acceptable.

Your pdf would certainly be helpful and I am compiling a little excel file that lists the IDimager features that I use, the corresponding iMatch feature, and the way I think I will migrate wrt to that feature. I will be sharing it soon.

The good thing about both IDimager and iMatch is that they have a scripting interface that allows us to automate the migration. 


I didn't migrate IDimager-Database. I just imported it (because the keywords was written in exif and ITPC this was not a big problem. And I already repair some issues.  ;D


Menace, I have many many questions :-)
- how were your labels written to the image file? In the "Places|Europe|Germany|Bern" format? If so, did they appear correctly in iMatch?
- What kind of repairs did you have to do?
- when you say "I just imported it", do you mean you actually imported the IDimager database or did you just not use it anymore and imported only the images?
- Did you use any specific label related feautures like
     - synonyms
     - geo tags in your labels
     - automatic assigning of parent labels
     - automatic unassigning of sibling labels (the ones on the same level)?

I'm very interested in you experience...


Ok, I'll try to explain it in english (this is difficulty for me).

First I have to explain, that my images and their written metatags have a longer history: ACDSee Pro 3 --> Media Expression 2 --> IDimager --> Daminion -->  PSU --> IMatch 5;

a) This history lead to the problem, that my keywords are written in different places/ITPC-Fields. But at last step, I let PSU write all my hierarchical keywords to ITPC and EXIF. They keywords was written in "keywords" and "XMP Adobe Lightroom" (mostly).
b) Repair: One period after an update, IDimager wrote all hierarchical keywords also with every keyword: For example: Places|Germany|Reutlingen  + Places|Germany + Places + Germany + Reutlingen; Other stuff I have to repair (After I beg Hert a view times, he changes PSU, that it write also the UTF-8 Stamp) was the german letters/Umlaute (like ö,ä,...). But every now and than I have to repair it again after a new importing. A lot of problems was probably caused by ACDSee Pro or Media Expression.
c) In IMatch I create a new database -> after this I import the whole folder/directory. I didn't import the database of IDimager.
d) I used synonyms one time and stop this in IDimager. I use instead the description fields of IDimager.
e) No geo tags; sorry about that.
f) I try automatic assigning of parent labels just in IMatch 5. It works, but I will do this, when the final is out.
g) automatic unassigning of sibling labes? No. I have no idea, what this means.  ;D

The importing works fine, even with something like: Systematik|Stamm Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda)|Klasse Spinnentiere (Arachnida)|Ord Webspinnen (Aranae)|UOrd Echte Webspinnen (Araneomorphae)|TOrd Haplogynae|ÜFam Scytodoidea|Fam Speispinnen (Scytodidae)|Speispinne (Scytodes thoracica)

I lost some description of keywords I written in IDimager directly. but never mind it.

Feel free to ask here or via PM.  ;D


Quote from: marcv on June 18, 2013, 09:58:58 PM
Menace, I have many many questions :-)
- how were your labels written to the image file? In the "Places|Europe|Germany|Bern" format? If so, did they appear correctly in iMatch?

ot: hey, is there a town in Germany called Bern? Just interested, because the "big Bern" is in Switzerland.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hey Menace
Simply cool, Congratulations!

Sehr gut gemacht. Könnte wohl für viele IDimager-user interessant sein. Wenn man sich darin vertieft, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass manche noch viel mehr wissen wollen. Dann wollen wohl viele auch ihre DB zu IMatch rübernehmen, keine Ahnung, ob und wie das geht. Bei IM3 hatte Mario ja einige "Konverter" erstellt (so kam ich zb von Portfolio her).

Nochmals: Gratulation!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Ferdinand on June 13, 2013, 01:44:08 PM
I have zero German, but even at that level it looks impressive.

ot: Ferdinand, I guess, if you are in Germany, your brain would produce (or remember) SOME words and you could after hear the peple and read the ads and news, you could speake some words! There are a lot of English words, for example, here in Switzerland and also in Germany in use, like "cool", "relax" and so on, I am sure, there are also some German words in English, I believe "Kindergarden" (Kindergarten)  for example?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on June 19, 2013, 08:59:33 AMot: Ferdinand, I guess, if you are in Germany, your brain would produce (or remember) SOME words and you could after hear the peple and read the ads and news, you could speake some words!

The older I get the harder this is.  It's hard enough to remember the 1¼ languages that I already know.



Quote from: Ferdinand on June 19, 2013, 03:36:34 PM

The older I get the harder this is.  It's hard enough to remember the 1¼ languages that I already know.


You have me beat. I only half know English.



thanks again for the detailed info, I now have a good understanding how you migrated.
About the sibling stuff; in IDimager you can select "When assigning this label, unassign all labels with the same parent", and that explains it better.

as far as I know there's indeed no Bern in Germany, there's just a Dutch guy who has his geography wrong :-{   :-}


Quote from: sinus on June 19, 2013, 08:54:29 AM
Hey Menace
Simply cool, Congratulations!

Sehr gut gemacht. Könnte wohl für viele IDimager-user interessant sein. Wenn man sich darin vertieft, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass manche noch viel mehr wissen wollen. Dann wollen wohl viele auch ihre DB zu IMatch rübernehmen, keine Ahnung, ob und wie das geht. Bei IM3 hatte Mario ja einige "Konverter" erstellt (so kam ich zb von Portfolio her).

Nochmals: Gratulation!
Ich hätte es nicht besser sagen können.
Sehr gute Arbeit  zumal ich auch am Überlegen bin von IDI zu IMATCH zu wechseln. Habe sogar noch eine alte 3,5er Lizenz.
Also hätte ich sogar die Möglichkeit zuerst über 3,6 zu gehen, falls es ein Migrationsscript geben sollte.

I couldn`t find better words to say "Thanks" for your work of your comparization document


Quote from: marcv on June 18, 2013, 07:34:11 PM
Great idea Menace!

I am also an IDimager user and am very likely to migrate to iMatch. Many years ago I started with iMatch but after a few years moved to IDimager because at that time IDimager  had a  much friendlier user interface. Feature wise I still like it and it serves my purpose very well. However, it has now been discontinued
Ha, I have the same history like you.


Quote from: marcv on June 21, 2013, 07:49:51 PM

as far as I know there's indeed no Bern in Germany, there's just a Dutch guy who has his geography wrong :-{   :-}

Well, no problem, I am sure, you know a lot more about Germany that me ... and Dutch I understand only from time to time a bit.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Richard on June 21, 2013, 09:40:42 PM
There seems to be a Bern in Bavaria.


Hi Richard,

hm, I am afraid, I cannot find the town in Bavaria or in another part of Germany. As far as I know, there is a town in Netherland (but I am not sure) and some in the USA. And for sure, Bern is the capital of Switzerland.  :)  at least the last I should know.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


auch von mir ein Dank für Deine Mühe. Ich bin allerdings (noch) nicht so begeistert von der Schlüsselwort-Zuweisung in iMatch. Deine Dokumentation hat mich schon etwas weiter gebracht. Ich verstehe allerdings immer noch nicht den Sinn ".... Kategorien sind keine Schlüsselwörter ...) aber dennoch tauchen sie als @keywods darin auf. Das verwirrt mich immer noch.
Außerdem komme ich nicht klar, mit der Struktur in iMatch.
Bsp: Ich habe in iDi als oberste Kategorien die "5 W's" angelegt (die nicht in die Dateien geschrieben werden (brauchen). Wenn ich in iMatch die oberste Kategorie als Gruppierungsebene markiere, rutscht die nächste Ebene nach oben ??
Im meinem Bsp. WER-Familie-Tochter-Namen, dann rutscht Familie noch oben ?? Ich füge ein Screenshot an, weil ichs garnicht richtig beschreiben kann.
Noch eine Frage: in diesem Bsp. habe ich den Namen bei iDi nicht in die Datei schreiben lassen sondern nur im Katalog von iDi gespeichert (in iDi: "Dieses Stichwort ignorieren wenn Stichwörter für XMP/IPTC generiert werden") kann man das so ähnlich auch in iMatch machen?
Danke schon mal, ich teste noch weiter.
Grüße von Kay

[attachment deleted by admin]


[Wer] ist als Gruppe markiert und hat somit nur eine ordnende Funktion. Beim Schreiben eines hierarchischen Keywords Wer.Familie wird somit nur Familie als keyword eingetragen. Da "rutscht nix hoch", das ist alles schon korrekt so.

Entweder willst Du das Keyword "Wer|Family" oder nur "Family". Du must entscheiden. Wenn du Wer als Gruppe markierst, legst Du fest, das es nicht als Keyword verwendet werden soll.

QuoteDieses Stichwort ignorieren wenn Stichwörter für XMP/IPTC generiert werden"

iDI hat da wohl bunt einige Dinge gemischt. Ich kenne das Program nicht und kann daher nicht im Detail kommentieren. Von Deiner Beschreibung vermute ich mal, das IDI intern Schlüsselwörter in einer eigenen Hierarchie gespeicht hat und dann beim Schreiben von Schlüsselwörtern irgendwas daraus gemischt hat. IMatch geht hier anders vor.  In IMatch steuerst Du das über den Thesaurus, über die Gruppen bzw. über die "Exclude in Keywords" option.

Aber: Wenn Du in IMatch mit Keywords arbeitest, arbeitest Du mit den echten XMP keywords. Wenn Du dass nicht willst, arbeite mit Categories.  IMatch zieht nicht noch eine wie auch immer geartete Ebene zwischen die Metadaten und "Keywords" in der Datenbank.

@Keywords bildet einfach nur die Keywords in der Datei (XMP hierarchical Keywords) in die Categories von IMatch ab. Das ist bequem und öffnet Dir viele coole Möglichkeiten.


vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Es wird schon etwas klarer ;-)

Kannst Du bitte nochmal meinen Screenshot aus dem dem vorigen Post anschauen?
Ich habe <WER> als Guppierungsebene eingestellt und danach in der 2.Spalte <Familie> angeklickt. Erst danach erschien in der 1.linken Spalte oben <Familie> mit grünem Haken. Das <Familie> in der 2.Spalte (zu <WER> gehörend) hat nun nicht mehr den grünen Haken. Das verstehe ich nicht. Ich dachte durch die Markierung als Gruppierungsebene bleibt die Ansicht/Übersicht erhalten. Also etwa so: <WER> (1.Spalte) ohne Haken - <Familie> (2.Spalte) mit grünem Haken usw.
Sonst wird die Liste in der 1.Spalte ja immer länger und man könnte eigentlich das <WER> gleich löschen?
Wo liegt da mein Denkfehler?
Vielen Dank Grüße von Kay