Can't find the attributes

Started by Ooteboe, June 24, 2019, 09:43:06 AM

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I'm trying IMA. In webviewer I can see all the metadata, collections and categories. But I can't see the attributes. Where are they?

Thanks, Hans


You are trying to do what? Display Attributes? You can do so by customizing your file window layout to display one or more Attribute variables.

There are no provisions in IMatch Anywhere WebViewer to filter by Attributes or directly manipulating Attribute data. This is beyond the purpose of this software and has never been requested.

IMatch Anywhere WebViewer is designed to be a simple to use, cross-platform and cross-device software to view and browse IMatch databases.
It does not try to do everything IMatch can do.

Of course it evolves  all the time, and the introduction of the FileLens feature in the current edition for the first time enables users to directly work with metadata and categories in their web browsers.
Maybe we'll have the same for Attributes in a future edition, if there is sufficient demand.


Quote from: Mario on June 24, 2019, 10:21:31 AM
You are trying to do what? Display Attributes? You can do so by customizing your file window layout to display one or more Attribute variables.

Thank you, this works.
