Merging metadata of two copies of the same picture

Started by mastodon, May 19, 2019, 04:30:32 PM

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I have accidentally face tagged my pictures with Piacasa in a temp folder, and the same time geotagged with IMatch in my store folder. So I have two copies of the same pictures with different metadata, that have to be merged. I forgot that I use Picasa on files in a temp folder...
Is there an easy way to merge the metadata of the two files in one file, or copy the data they are different to the other file?


There is no "merge metadata of different files" feature in IMatch.

Consider using a (temporary) file relation to propagate selected data from the files in the TEMP folder to the real files.
Or, unless you have many files, use Copy / Paste Attributes.
Or maybe an ExifTool command line ARG file.
Or a custom IMatch app.


Yes, that was not my ordinary workflow. I forgot, that I face tagged this pictures in my SSD, what is quicker...
sorry to bother you with a qusetion not related to IMatch.
Might you know, how should I use Exiftool in batch mode? Ex I have pictures: 1234Ftag.jpg and 1234Gtag.jpg etc. in one directory. I think, I should copy face tag data (made by Picasa) from 1234Ftag.jpg to 1234Gtag.jpg. It is easiser to do this, than copy GPS and location data. A I found that I have to use "addtagsfromfile" command, but don't know, how to use it in a batch. (305 files)


I can only link to the ExfTool FAQ:

Copying data between files using wild cards can be tricky, but the FAQs have some examples for that.
Otherwise, ask in the ExifTool forum for advice.



I have used the ExifTool Command Processor in IMatch to copy face tags from copies of files with Picasa (3.9.139) face tags to selected files.  The Picasa files had the same names as the selected files but were in a subdirectory (named PICASA).

The commands I used are shown below, with "Run for each file in selection" chosen.


Of course you can relatively easily adapt the filename and path to your situation.

Make sure you have backups before you try this.
