Copying Metadata from one image to another

Started by vpv, August 17, 2019, 05:08:59 AM

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Looking for help.
I scanned film (jpeg) and with iMatch:
- changed "Data Created"
- Core Data (incl. Description, location, lens, etc)
- GPS Data
- assigned categories
- add keywords
- renamed images...

After I finished all of the above... I decided to rescan the film into TIFF format...
How I can copy and apply data from JPEGs to new TIFFs?

What would be an easier way? Please advice


You can copy metadata in many ways. Via the Metadata Pane: Tips for Copying Metadata and of course via the Copying Attributes and Metadata Between Files feature.

Usually you scan into TIFF (to avoid loss) and maybe produce a JPEG or other 'derived' images (versions) from that.
IMatch can support you with this with its unique file versioning concept. This concept not only visualizes which files are related as master/versions, but also automatically propagates (copies) metadata from the master to the derived versions.


Thank you, Mario!

Going to read and learn it!