Quickview via Mouse over (like (i)-Symbol) in File-Windows

Started by Menace, June 10, 2019, 03:44:45 PM

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Hello Mario!

Is there a possibility to integrate something to get a larger image (like Quickview) when I Mouseover a special Symbol? There is already something with the Information Mouseover (to see some Information in a popup Window).

It could be helpful something same with a Quickview Mouseover.

Why I can't just use the Mouseover: I have even with 2 Monitors a lot of Panels already activated (Darwin-Core, Kategories, Favorites, map). So it become a click-Orgie to switch for and back. But if I just can Mouseover a file to see it more in detail and larger this would a great help it speed my workflow up.

I hope I descripted it understandable with my poor english.


The Quick View Panel shows you the focused file at all times.
So your special "icon" is the file window panel. When you click it, the Quick View Panel updates.

When you hold down <SPACE> it updates on hover. Did you know that? If not, check the help: Sweep Mode

You can move the Quick View Panel to your second monitor to have it visible at all times.

The Quick View panel also deals with things like visual proxies, stacks, versions stacks, color management, look-ahead caching etc.

Doing an image "popup on hover" can become really annoying when IMatch has to pause and wait for 10 seconds until your RAW codec as developed the file so IMatch can produce a cache file for
display...most users let IMatch create cache images on-demand.


All my monitors are already full and in use (I have three of them). I can open Quickview, but then I have no Categories. It would be just to enlarge the image (don't must be perfect). Double/Trible the size of the "Info-Mouseover-Box". Just to see some more details.


You can move the Quick View Panel to any of your three monitors as a separate window.
You can dock it on any corner of the IMatch window, no need to hide the categories panel...

I work happily with a 4K monitor most of the time, and many IMatch users use 2560 pixel or even HD monitors.
If you have 3 monitors and you still don't have a tiny edge somewhere to place the Quick View Panel...I'm not sure how to help you.

Enable the option to allow IMatch to enlarge thumbnails to > 100% (since you said quality is not that important) (Edit > Preferences > Application, search for 100).
Then make your thumbnail panel real big. Or create an large image only file window layout.


Thank you Mario, to try to solve the problem.

1. Monitor: Recherche (Wikipedia, Naturgucker, div. Bestimmungsseiten, Capture One)
2. Monitor: IMatch with Filewindow & Metadaten/Keywords
3. Monitor (Grafiktablet): Kategorie & Map (I try to devide Map)

Thumbnails > 100% .... ehm not so good. ;-)

I just thought to create something than a lightbox would be possible to create (maybe I saw them all the time on Wikipedia and IMatch).


I fully sympathies with Menace's want. I myself have made such a request many years ago.

The problem with quickview is that if it is always open it takes resources to display files (create a cache image for a RAW file!) even though it is not needed.
(And of course screen real estate)

On my system it does not show an image if it is placed on the second monitor - a secondary problem.

Even a one-click option to open the quickview panel would be of help. But since I have to use the keyboard anyway (F9 Q) I rather use the faster Ctrl-ENTER and have
the image displayed very quickly with Irfanview.

My preferred option would be to show the image full screen as long as one clicks-and holds the thumbnail. Showing it using an external program could be an option.


You can always associate your files with an "external program" and then open it via Ctrl+Enter.
If you keep the Viewer open, you can send files to it with <Return> at any time, using Alt+Tab to switch to it as needed.

I have no idea why the Quick View Panel does not work on your second monitor. I don't recall a bug report. Do you have a link?

Feel free to add a feature request or bumb an old feature request.
If there is sufficient demand for such a feature, I will look into it for one of the next larger releases.


You could also just extend the File Window Tip to display an enlarged version of the image - this should work in most situations, although Windows may not position overlay large tooltips correctly always.

File Window Tip with image:

A File Window Tooltip with an image.

Just add this line:

<Image Source="{File.CacheFileName|hasvalue:{File.CacheFileName};default:{File.FullName}}" Width="500" Stretch="Uniform"></Image>

to your File Window Tip setup (Edit > Preferences > File Window Tip).

500 specifies the width of the image. Change as needed.
May not work always, especially not when there is no cache image.
Probably no color management. To proxies.
Just a quick work-around to make a larger image fit somewhere on your 3 monitors.


Yeah, this is a first start.  ;D  Like I want, except that the popup-Window isn't centred in the monitor but as long as I don't use the first row it kind of work perfect. Thank you.


Quote from: Menace on June 10, 2019, 07:28:55 PM
Yeah, this is a first start.  ;D  Like I want, except that the popup-Window isn't centred in the monitor but as long as I don't use the first row it kind of work perfect. Thank you.

Fixed the problem: use images width < 720 px.  ;D  Fastest solved Feature Request ever. Thank you a lot, Mario!

I worked with Imatch the last two days around 9 h/d and I love this piece of software; it is so helpful.


Always glad to be of service.
Spread the word. People must hear about IMatch - I think many will benefit from it.


Quote from: Mario on June 10, 2019, 08:10:07 PM
Always glad to be of service.
Spread the word. People must hear about IMatch - I think many will benefit from it.

I already do, Mario, I already spread whenever I can.  :)


+1 for the request.
Looking into the tooltip suggestion from mario in the meanwhile.


Quote from: ben on June 10, 2019, 09:23:50 PM
+1 for the request.
Looking into the tooltip suggestion from mario in the meanwhile.

The tooltip works quit well. Maybe Mario can add the strings in the help file for other users (even when it is not working perfect, because it doesn't fit always inside the monitor I love it and use it all the time).


I too was always interested in something like this... XYPlorer added this functionality and I use it constantly... if you hover over the icon and hold down the left mouse button, a preview windows opens to show you whatever is in the file - images, PDF's, text files, etc.  Once you let go of the mouse button, the window goes away as well.

I was hoping to extend the main window so that my thumbnail "icons" could be used in such a manner... hover and clicking could open a new window to display whatever you would like... keywords, map data, previews, proxies...  leverage javascript perhaps..


Tried the trick with the file window tool-tip showing the image. I found that, depending on the size of image one has chose and the
size of the thumbnails, part of the tip is off screen. In those situations one is then unable to see the text part of the tool tip window.

But rather than fixing this an alternative solution makes more sense.


Ha! This is a very good thing, this line in the tooltip.
Thanks for that, Menace and Mario!

Should go, in not already, in the "tips and tricks".

@ubacher: I have two monitors, if I change the quickview-window during IMatch is running, I see no image.
If I restart IMatch, then the quickview works!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote@ubacher: I have two monitors, if I change the quickview-window during IMatch is running, I see no image.
If I restart IMatch, then the quickview works!

Thanks Sinus - works for me too that way!


Quote from: ubacher on June 11, 2019, 07:07:52 AM
I found that, depending on the size of image one has chose and the
size of the thumbnails, part of the tip is off screen.

Play with the width of the Inline of the tooltip. I put this Inline in the "title" box, which I doesn't need yet.

@Mario: Is there a possibility not to set the "width" but the long edge (?) so that the box choose for example 600 for width or high?


Quote from: Menace on June 11, 2019, 09:15:07 AM
@Mario: Is there a possibility not to set the "width" but the long edge (?) so that the box choose for example 600 for width or high?

Only what the reduced subset of the XAML implemented in the UI toolkit allows. Width / Height / MaxWidth / MaxHeight.
You may be do this with the variable itself, using numcomp and checking if File.Width > Height then... else...

Or maybe try with a MaxHeight:

<Image Source="{File.CacheFileName|hasvalue:{File.CacheFileName};default:{File.FullName}}" Width="500" MaxHeight="500" Stretch="Uniform"></Image>

As I said, this is just a "great when it works, may fail" solution. Very nice for general purposes, but not as powerful as a dedicated implementation of such a feature (which would also do color management, know about rotation, virtual transformations, annotations etc.). Everything the Quick Viewer and the Viewer already do.

Other alternatives would be file window layouts which display only one (large) file, or maybe 2 files side-by-side, ... a 'carousel' view inside the File Window etc.
IMatch 2020 should include "File Window Apps" which allow for apps to work like File Window Layouts, which allows for some exciting new ways to visualize files. Including zooms or popups.
I'm currently focusing on getting this new tech working. I did post some potential examples of what will be possible a while ago.


 8) This is a great example of why it pays to visit the forums. Many times I just need a quick larger view of an image and this tip solves that problem for me. Many thanks to everyone for the idea.


Quote from: Mario on June 11, 2019, 10:09:48 AM
As I said, this is just a "great when it works, may fail" solution.

Thank you. It improves a bit with maxheigh.  :D

I like the fast look and feel of it and it works right away. For me, it need no Colormanagement (for this purpose we have Quickview or Viewer). I need it just for quick improvement   verification (which person is on the image, is it sharp, is there a detail to identify a plant/animal).

It is (for me) just one/two things away to be perfect at this time: 1. fitting in monitor and maybe 2. An own Symbol just for the view; but 2. is not important.

Don't understand me wrong, I already love the Inline-Solution a lot.  ;D

Who write a  Tip & Trick Thread for this? My english seems to poor.


Quote from: Menace on June 11, 2019, 11:59:00 AM
Quote from: Mario on June 11, 2019, 10:09:48 AM
As I said, this is just a "great when it works, may fail" solution.

I like the fast look and feel of it and it works right away. For me, it need no Colormanagement (for this purpose we have Quickview or Viewer). I need it just for quick improvement   verification (which person is on the image, is it sharp, is there a detail to identify a plant/animal).


Exactly, what I do also think and use.
You can try something like the following variable:
<Image Source="{File.CacheFileName|hasvalue:{File.CacheFileName};default:{File.FullName}}" Width="{File.Width|numcomp:gt,{File.Height},400,270}" Stretch="Uniform"></Image>

It says basically:
If the Width is greater as the height (than it is a Landscape, quer), then the width should be 400 pixel. If the oppisite is true (the Widht is smaller as the height), then the width should be 270 pixel.
If you play with the 400 and 270 pixel, maybe you can find a good number-combination for you.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Mario on June 11, 2019, 10:09:48 AM

IMatch 2020 should include "File Window Apps" which allow for apps to work like File Window Layouts, which allows for some exciting new ways to visualize files. Including zooms or popups.
I'm currently focusing on getting this new tech working. I did post some potential examples of what will be possible a while ago.

Yes.. this is what I was referring to... File Window Layouts based upon JS...   8)


Quote from: sinus on June 11, 2019, 12:28:36 PM
Width="{File.Width|numcomp:gt,{File.Height},400,270}" Stretch="Uniform"></Image>

Yes. This works as well. Thank you.  8)