Affinity Photo 1.7 Stock Photography

Started by Lincoln, June 15, 2019, 09:50:15 AM

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Interesting developments with Affinity Photo 1.7 for those who deal in the stock photo library business.

Thanks to Mario for pointing out Affinity Photo some months back. Can't live without it now  ;D


I glanced over the video but did not see anything directly related to stock.
What do you mean? The integration of Pixabay or Unspash? If you are into this, check out for 100 similar resources.

The ability to define your own output sizes and resolutions for exported files?
That's what the Batch Processor in IMatch does, among many other things.

Even IMatch Anywhere has a powerful export module which allows you to define your own sizes etc. In your web browser!


What caught my eye was the search in the stock panel at the start of the video but I suppose what I was really commenting on is how much Affinity Photo has progressed in the last six months.


Integrating free stock services is at least nice, and a good counterpoint to Adobe's constant attempts to lure us into their cloud and buy stock photos from them.

Not sure how photographers make a buck from giving their photos away for free. If people can get stuff for free, they won't buy it elsewhere.
Good photography is hard work (and often not cheap to create) and should be worth something.

I use Pixabay occasionally when I need some photos for testing, documentation or to beauty up a post. But I have donated money both to Pixabay and individual photographers over time. Not much, a few dollars for a series of photos. But I think they should be compensated, even if only a little, from each person using their photography or services.

And when I need photography showing people for commercial purposes, I always create them myself or buy them from a renowned stock photo web site, to stay on the safe side, legally.