Search Bar

Started by stephock, June 15, 2019, 02:14:53 PM

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I do a lot of searches on keywords, etc, and I prefer the search bar to the filter panel, which I find a bit cumbersome - especially the keyword display limited to the current scope...

I generally start the search with one or two entries, and then by adding or subtracting keywords and file names, etc, arrive at the display of interest.

Is it possible to simplify the search-bar boolean operaters, so instead of typing 'AND', 'AND NOT' or 'OR', I can type '+', '-' or '|' ? This would speed up my process considerably by reducing the number of keys (in one case, from 7 to 1).

Thank you.


No. The Boolean terms are important, and + -  etc. are often contained in search terms anyway.

There are many ways to find files by keywords. You can use the Category Filter with the @Keywords hierarchy. You can use the Category View. You can use a metadata filter on the hierarchical subject tag, which also shows you all the keywords assigned to the files in the current scope, which makes drilling down on a certain combination of keywords a breeze.

If you already see all keywords assigned to your files in the current scope in the filter panel, you need a lot less searching. Just click the keywords you want to OR or AND.

Quotewhich I find a bit cumbersome - especially the keyword display limited to the current scope...

The search bar also works on the current scope. That's the base principle of all searches and filters in IMatch. You tell it where to search by whatever you bring into the scope.


Thanks for the prompt reply...


Quote from: stephock on June 15, 2019, 02:14:53 PM
I do a lot of searches on keywords, etc, and I prefer the search bar to the filter panel, which I find a bit cumbersome - especially the keyword display limited to the current scope...

I generally start the search with one or two entries, and then by adding or subtracting keywords and file names, etc, arrive at the display of interest.

Is it possible to simplify the search-bar boolean operaters, so instead of typing 'AND', 'AND NOT' or 'OR', I can type '+', '-' or '|' ? This would speed up my process considerably by reducing the number of keys (in one case, from 7 to 1).

Thank you.

I have an app that might work for you... if interested, let me know and I can setup an APP Share.  The app lets you search the database (or current scope) using the + (AND), - (OR) and | (NOT) as well as the normal search terms.  I often use it to grab a result window for my entire database when I also have a specific filtered group of images in the current scope - and I don't want to lose those results.  The app is a bit crude... but gets the job done for me!  - Andy.


I went ahead an posted the app here: - figured it might be useful to someone.  I'm happy to tweak it further if you want to use it and /or find something to add or fix up... Enjoy! - Andy.


Hi there Jingo.

Thanks for that. It works perfectly and does just what I want... No more typing 'AND NOT', etc...


Quote from: stephock on June 16, 2019, 04:37:36 PM
Hi there Jingo.

Thanks for that. It works perfectly and does just what I want... No more typing 'AND NOT', etc...

Good stuff.. Enjoy!